
What Is Kundalini - Game Changer

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So I finally know what Kundalini and so called 'energies' are and:

1/ This is so simple that you can not imagine

2/ If this is true this will be game changer in medicine and much more. I'm in the middle of describing whole process but Kundalini is actually link between many diseases and gut (and I give it 90% chance of being true right now).. Gut bacteria and for example Parkinson links were found last couple of years but it was not known what is missing puzzle. Missing puzzle is undiscovered gas circulation system which does not work well as there are many blockages (chakras).  

This gas circulation system works also in bones and bony structures including skull and in skull is responsible for cooling down brain and also for redistributing this temperature around body. And when you are able to cool down processor it can work faster.. And you see things you did not see before.  This system do not work well in humans mostly because we do not live as we should. We can not eat, we cannot hold proper posture and we have uneffective brain that causes those channels to block. And if one of them is blocked the rest start to block too. More too come. 

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There is a group called the heart math institute that researches kundalini actually. They have videos on youtube. I haven't dug deep into their stuff but I did read a research paper about heart and brain coherence and the data is extremely positive. They are onto something there :) Check out the videos you can find on youtube. 

Search for terms like heart coherence or heart math institute. 

From what I have seen they claim to have the ability to take pictures of the energy we release and all kinds of data. 

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On 20.06.2017 at 5:21 PM, blazed said:

cool I started Kundalini yoga for fun, I hope it makes me healthier and im not just twisting myself like a moron lol, this stuff is hard on a hot day....

do normal yoga first better (unless you feel otherwise), do stretching, eat blended stuff not to fill intestines and charm throat, take cold and warm showers mixed, do some pushups, pullups, squats, hips movements, dance, walk, massage jaw and in general have a massage


But most of all do what you like most (besides additions like food). What you like most is the concept that your intuition is telling you to do and it is good. 

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What's the difference between regular Yoga and Kundalini Yoga? 

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@DoubleYou kundalini yoga is very powerful, especially if you have never done kundalini work before. Kundalini is the energy connecting our soul our body and the spirit world. It is sacred. So kundalini yoga is designed to move this energy into proper alignment with various moves and positions. Regular yoga is just movements and positions for aligning the  physical body.


I caution anyone starting kundalini work as when this energy releases. It can cause a ripple effect of depression as your energy within settles. This can be significant and confusing. Especially if to much is released at the same time. 

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OK, so i started writing posts about theory. First is like this. 

Undiscovered humans' body gas circulation system as a link between Parkinson's and gut bacteria. Prelude



If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”

― pretty wise man said

So this is a short prelude to pretty broad theory I have.To fast forward, the theory claims:

- the link between many diseases (like Parkinson and other neurological ) and gut bacteria (which is under interest recently) is undiscovered gas circulation system in human body (and other animals). And bacteria is not a cause of Parkinson's but a result of changes in a system by the way.

- this gas circulation system is not working properly in humans for many reasons which will be discussed later. 

But the major reason is that this is hydraulic system with many tight spots and if in any of those spots there is blocked, then basically the whole system is over or under pressurized at pretty much whole length

- this system in eastern traditions is thought to be "energies" system and major blocks of this system are 

"chakras" (which were scientific enough to be studied by Carl Gustav Jung, but now somehow not), which are meant to be energy blocks. It will be proved that this energy is actually gas (air mixed 

with gases produced by e.g. gut bacteria in intestines or stomach gases). Anyways it's not really important how you call it (gas or energy) unless you can use it for your benefit. 

- this gas circulation system has many application including meninges and skull ventilation, regulizing CSF (cerebospinal fluid)

pressure and in general regulation of pressures in body, heat distribution, tissues, joints and bones 

ventilation and many more, 

- malfunction of this system is responsible for unexplained mechanical conditions like meninges fractures, 

hernias all over the body, fistulas, changes of heart shape, joints calcifications, many naevuses (which are in fact scabs of this system), CSF fluid leaks, tmj (jaw problem), teeth and gums problems. To be honest this system is related to whole body...

- this system is responsible for many mental conditions which steems from the fact that if it's malfunctioning 

(especially channels in neck and scull) then there is high variability of ventilation of the brain-> high

variability of brain potential-> high variability of neural network adjustment. You may have those moments of genial ideas mixed with total moron ideas (like John Nash)

- this system uses from "empty" spaces in between organs as well as some bony structures, joints, spaces 

between muscles also some channels (like the ones on the palate)

Ok, so this is 101 of this system so for now let's just start which major channels of it. This is based on own experiences with pranayama (breathing technics), interviews with people who do this stuff as well as studying human body for years (especially mine) from many different angles including contemporary western sciences as well as eastern sciences.

1/ It starts (according to some traditions it starts lower but for sake of this model we will start here) in abdominal chamber where mix of gases accumulates from valves related mostly to stomach, intestines (gut bacteria) and air swallowed with food or just inhaled (mostly by with mouth because inhalation with nose goes mostly to lungs). In eastern traditions in my opinion this is called solar chakra

2/ When you make a breath you make the pressure in abdominal chamber to increase so according to law of physics (it's science Mr White) this gas should go somewhere... It has two possible ways: up and down. For one reason related to hydraulics which will be talked in next parts first it goes up. Or it should go as in big chunk it should go in tissues around heart when the heart contracts and it makes it volume smaller. The problem is that it those tissues are usually not loose enough (for reasons which will be talked in next parts). If you have too tight there you will feel pressure around heart. You will be scared, you will go to your doctor. He will tell you that it is stress and you should take magnesium. In eastern tradition it is called heart chakra. 

3/ So our precious gas is moving up , it gather up in areas on the base of the neck. From there it goes in two routes

a/ in tissues on sides There is small adapter which is called Adam's apple which is usually not at very good condition mostl because we the people, we are only animals that cannot eat and need plan and authority to tell us. Which will be wrong anyways. With this adapter and some mechanisms that will be talked later, the gas goes probably behind tonsils (not sure) up over patate (sure) in some channels that are visible close to your front teeth (yes it is supposed to be useless like appendrix which was usless until this year it was discovered it is usefull or like brain was supposed not to have lympatic vessels and it has it suprisingly since 3 years). It is redustributed in bony structures behind teeth, up in the jaw (TMJ problems) structures to the scull channels

b/ it goes in neck tissues structures when if blocked will be felt as pressure in neck, pain in neck, sometimes cold or hot feelings 

4/ When your skull is not calcified too much and enough air got there, gas will get to middle of your skull over eyes. Usually it stops on those calcified structures so you will have probably migraines which orgin contemporary medicine cannot explain. This area in medicine is called foramen caceum (on the picture), in eastern traditions it is called 3rd eye. Gas will go there, pump meninges, ventilate them. If pressure is enough then meninges will be pressurized enough and air will start circulating there cooling down your processor (brain), your pineal gland will be activated which means that it will start working. Your thinking process will increase by some which may be good or bad. It depends on many factors which will maybe talk about in next episodes.

Next part I will go up, then down, then sides:) Reasons of blockages and reasons the system is not known to contemporary science.


You can also follow it on my fb page /bigzbigi

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