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Not Sure I Have Anything To Offer!

9 posts in this topic

So I am floating along.. mostly pretty appreciative of this experience..

However I feel pretty passive and not sure if I have anything absolutely compelling to offer or contribute..

There are a few things I think I could contribute but have not to date, as I am not so unhappy with the way things are..

I don't really resonate with the idea of giving people what they think they want.. I somehow feel that's feeding more delusions in the world.. Actually , Im really undecided on this point. I guess I could if that meant I could be in a state of flow.... Or something..


Anyways interested in your point of view and how this resonates..

Appreciate any input..


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Ok .

so ive been pondering this a bit..

Also listening to Some ekhart tolle..

He suggests once you get the ego out of the way , some universal will can come through you..

I like that idea. but have no idea how to embody that..

I would like to practice

  1. first being in the moment
  2. seeing things as they really are,  I like coming here because other peoples comments help me to see there and glimpse ,my own ego..
  3. I really appreciate others perception of what the ego is..
  4. I like ego being pointed out to me too.. happy for people to enlighten me..
  5. but also id like to see the universal will too... how would I know it when I saw it..

Im happy to be the conduit of some universal will but I just don't know what that is..

Tips? tricks, suggestions, stories of how to embody the universal will, or lt go of the ego's will..

What would it even be like to be a conduit of the universal will..

Or are we constantly doing it anyways??


Thanx in advance

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I have felt this I believe? I never called it the universal will. I call it my higher self which I named Wonder, the part of me that is connected to the universe. The part that teases me with enlightenment :P I love this consciousness I usually feel that clarity after meditation on days when I am in a good mood and not feeling like time or anything is limited. The subtlest of energies can chase it away. I write things down when I am in that mind. I get ideas to do various things like what Leo here has created. I am amazed at this wonderful site still. When Wonder goes away its weird. It feels like I have awoken from a dream and thoughts I had during its presence seem foggy like a dream..... 


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2 hours ago, Will said:

So I am floating along.. mostly pretty appreciative of this experience..

However I feel pretty passive and not sure if I have anything absolutely compelling to offer or contribute..

There are a few things I think I could contribute but have not to date, as I am not so unhappy with the way things are..


You don't feel you have anything to contribute here? You contribute much! I have enjoyed posting on your posts and your posts warrant deep thought. Remember the mind is a muscle if you don't use it you loose it. While you learn others like myself enjoy pulling our banks of knowledge and remembering for ourselves. So thank you :) and just remember, one day you will have your interpretations to pass on to someone who needs your voice as well. We are networks of energy, and the magic is what happens between us all as we grow and learn together. 

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@S33K3R I guess maybe I was expecting more.. your right though if I so am just a flash in the pan.. that's good to I spose.. :)


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@Will We are constantly shifting from one reality to the next. You are shifting now, now, now. This shifting is not noticeable because the changes from one moment to the next are so minute that most of us fail to see the change. You are shifting and as you get higher on this mountain you climb you will soon look back and see the path well traveled. It is a sweet moment :) just remember one foot in front of another. Blinders on this is the hardest part.  

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do you go around murdering people, abusing them physically or mentally like a sociopath? No?  
if you don't do that then you gave this world plenty already.  freedom for others to be themselves, kindness towards others.  
you don't owe anything more then that,you can just be yourself

this stuff is simple, the more we realize what we we're not, the more we realize what we don't know, can we appreciate what we are and what we know

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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