
Just Finished Life Purpose Course

13 posts in this topic

It took 6 months!

Had to skip the readings. Slowly going through them to keep the wheels turning. 

Did every single exercise, sometimes more than once. 

I think I got a great result. My life purpose is so obvious to me, but I would never have taken the action I'm about to take without having all these notes to draw upon and keep me on track. I filled a 96 page exercise book, double sided.

I'm excited to start working towards this. The energy is building. The motivation is building. I feel the passion rising.

Thanks Leo. A truly great course you have created.

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1 minute ago, abgespaced said:

It took 6 months!

Had to skip the readings. Slowly going through them to keep the wheels turning. 

Did every single exercise, sometimes more than once. 

I think I got a great result. My life purpose is so obvious to me, but I would never have taken the action I'm about to take without having all these notes to draw upon and keep me on track. I filled a 96 page exercise book, double sided.

I'm excited to start working towards this. The energy is building. The motivation is building. I feel the passion rising.

Thanks Leo. A truly great course you have created.

So, what is your life purpose?

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@abgespaced That's great, mate! So, what is your life purpose?

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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@abgespaced So, the same as Leo's?

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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@Dan Arnautu

There are subtle differences. My domain of mastery is different as well. I'm guessing Leo's is positive psychology. Mine (at the moment) is intersexual dynamics and fulfilment.

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@Leo Gura

So after finishing the life purpose course a month ago I haven't produced anything. Yet I have mostly kept up with the daily tasks assigned, such as affirmations, working within my ZoG etc. So I have 2 questions:

1. Should our zone of genius include a way for our work to reach our audience? For example, my ZoG is "research and generate ideas". But working squarely within this ZoG produces nothing except ideas. It doesn't tell me how to translate these ideas into value, unlike your ZoG which is "I give people deep insights..."

2. Should our impact statement refer to our domain of mastery? I find that my impact statement- "empowering people with wisdom and truth" is far too vague without my domain of mastery which is something much more specific. I find myself referring more to my domain of mastery than my impact statement for guidance on what to research and generate ideas about.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by abgespaced

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1) Be ware of turning the art of mental-masturbation into your life purpose. A purpose needs to have an IMPACT statement component. We covered this in the course. What IMPACT are you planning to make on people/world? Generating ideas is not an impact. Eating cake is not an impact. Having sex with a hot girl/guy is not an impact. Taking notes is not an impact. Organizing your closet is not an impact. Reading a book is not an impact.

2) The domain of mastery is like the vehicle you most want to learn and use to make your impact.

Like, if my impact is to kill people, my domain of mastery will be explosives, or firearms, or swordfighting, or nuclear physics, etc.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Like, if my impact is to kill people, my domain of mastery will be explosives, or firearms, or swordfighting, or nuclear physics, etc.

Or just  5-meo?

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The problems you solve, the people you touch, the live you affect are the things creating impact. Nobody cares about your dreams or life purpose.

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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@Leo Gura

I completed the Life Purpose course and it's excellent! I read books on this before but your course is amazing. The proof-reading, order, clarity and other details are done very professionally :) I listened to every line, wrote down all your notes and done all exercises. Around 100 -200 pages! So hoping to be in the 5% student stat you mentioned early in the course and took 10 months.

 I am unable to however, tie the final things together or finalize ME sheet and appreciate your input. I am 35-year-old Software Engineer specializing in databases. I have family/ job /responsibilities.

1) I have chosen my Mastery as : "Building Business. Product Identification & Development. Assembling Excellent Teams. Selling". This is basing on your input to be practical but do not know what else I should base it from the course. 

2) My one-line LP is this "Understand the Subconscious and and help people overcome deep implanted traumas". This is based on your exercises from the course.

3) My 3  Zone of genius are Critcal-thinking, Love of Learning, and Creativity. My 3 values are Excellence, clarity and Self-Discovery.

It seems my LP is to develop a business based on Software or Technology to heal the subconscious. But this first needs a significant understanding of the brain, perhaps 10 years of study/research. It doesn't then sit well with my Mastery in Entrepreneurship. 

How could I make these fit ? Should I consider 2 "journeys" of mastering entrepreneurship first and then go for a PHD in Neuroscience? It seems pragmatic and convenient to choose Entrepreneurship as Mastery but how do I know if I got this correct? Do you want me to do as specific exercise again to get this right? My favorite Medium is Public speaking and that's hard to fit in here too. 


Edited by Shan

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@Shan Shut off your logical mind for a second, close your eyes, and ask your HEART: What am I trying to ultimately accomplish with my life's work? Bypass any fears or monkey-mind. At least for a minute.

Don't overthink that part. You gotta let your heart steer the ship, not your programmer's logical brain.

You might also be holding some dogmatic assumptions:

  • Do you really need a significant understanding of the brain?
  • Do you really need 10 years of study/research?
  • Do you really need a PhD in neuroscience?

Maybe you do, I dunno. But my point is, if you're like most people, you may be putting the cart before the horse. First determine what exactly you want to accomplish, THEN research the most direct ways to get there. Getting a PhD might be something your culture has just programmed you with. After all, where else would you get an idea like that?

Who's programming whom here? ;)

If this is your LP: "Understand the Subconscious and and help people overcome deep implanted traumas"

Then cut the shit and listen to what it's telling you! Go straight for the goal.

I know many ways of helping people overcome deep subconscious traumas which don't require any of the things you assume. If you wanted to, you could learn to do that in a couple years and you'd have 1,000% better results than PhD's at Harvard.

It's a little odd that your LP is about understanding and healing, whereas your domain of mastery is business. Nothing wrong with business, but again, don't put the cart before the horse.

It sounds like your domain of mastery should be: understanding the mind and healing.

What do you honestly enjoy studying more: business or the mind/healing?

P.S. Good work-ethic on doing the course!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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