
Meditation Is Like Riding A Bike And Magnesium The Meditation Mineral

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Yup it's true, learning meditation is like riding a bike. So once you make progress in meditation it tends to stay with you more or less throughout your life. You may get a little rusty, but the bulk of what you learned will stay with you. I've been practicing meditation on and off for quite a few years now and I notice that every time I quit and go back and I just pick right back up where I left off. When I first started meditation I wasn't all that good at it. But from years of practicing on and off, I've reached the point where I'm pretty good at it despite not being consistent. I bet the same goes for astral projection practice, but I still need to work with astral projection a bit more. In fact I googled this and found that I got 27,100 results for "meditation is like riding a bike"

So go ahead a knock yourself out, go for meditation as much as you can knowing that you can save your progress for next time regardless of what happens.

I also want to give a shout out to the calming meditation mineral that is vital for health and good sleep, magnesium. I've started to take magnesium recently and besides multitude of other benefits I surprisingly found it helpful for meditation. I can just sink into meditation now, because magnesium is known to clam your nerves and muscles. Magnesium helps relieve stress. And since magnesium is the counter component of calcium it's important if you take a lot of magnesium for a long time that you eventually take calcium with it.

So if your having trouble relaxing during meditation or astral projection practice consider magnesium as an aid in your practice. Good luck!

Love, Peace, and Light!

Edited by AstralProjection

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