Grace's Whisper

By Ayla,
Beloved Father who dwells within the Soul of my Being
Who's name is I AM
Veneration to Your Holy Name
Thy kingdom is here
Thy will prevails throughout the Earth 
As it does in the Heavenly realms of my Soul
You open your hands and satisfy the hunger of all living beings
You heal all hearts of sorrow
So that they in turn may show forgiveness to those who's minds 
are shrouded in the ignorance of the Self ! Beloved Mother who imparts to all the sense of choice so we may finally come to chose You - the Truth, thus find everlasting freedom 
Glory to Your Name of Truth,
for yours is the Kingdom of Existence, peace, love, 
all power emanates from you alone who imparts to all the
wisdom, the life, love and courage to reverse themselves to the I AM! Amen
Om ************************************************************** When pain comes.. you can feel it coming from afar. You can taste it in your mouth and your insides are stifled by its devastating power.  It comes and it tortures your body, your memories, your mind and your emotions. It rips through you.  Been there before. Body is shaking, mind is going nuts trying to find an escape, a solution, a doing.. Tears seem to never end flowing from the eyes.  Feels like a screwdriver going deeper and slower inside the guts by the second. The whole body convulses with the force of the NOT WANTING to be there and to live that pain.  Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax. Go on breathing in and out.  Lord!!  There's such a battle going on here... still the "ground" on which it's developing is still. It has the perfume of a single field flower. So delicate.  Waves and waves of gathered pain are coming up and out.  Paying for all those moments when I refused to live through this. It has to get out of there somehow. Being doesn't hurt. It's the accumulation of the past hurt that is now getting purified. Feels like death. Something is being terminated.  This is one of those illusions that can put you either right back to sleep, or can grab you by the neck and lift you.  Lord!!  This has no reality to it. This is just like ripping off a band-aid from an already infected wound so that it can clean itself and heal.  Grace is slowly, playfully whispering to me: "let go" .. "let go". Feels like every cell of my body is exploding as I slowly breathe through tears and through pain that seems like it will never end.  What a concoction of mess! A real joke! I'm just the only one not laughing.  Stillness is still there embracing all of it, being it, allowing it and breathing through it. So many places in body are on high alert, like waking up with a vengeance. There's tingling, cold, sharp pain, diffuse pain...shudder..  Breathe  Just breathe Breathe Breathe