Jan Odvarko

Feeling Asymmetrical/imbalanced During My Sits

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This is currently a big issue for me... Although I sit on a seiza bench, I always start to feel kind of asymmetrical and imbalanced towards the end of my sits. Also, one shoulder feels to be a little lower than the other one. I guess it's caused by my back muscles being a little weaker on one side, or the other side might be tighter. Or maybe it's just a feeling. Hard to say if I actually become imbalanced at all, but it definitely feels like it and it can get so uncomfortable that I start shifting my legs every couple of minutes to feel balanced again, just to find myself twisted when I open my eyes at the end of the sit.

Pain is not a problem, pain is good. What is so distracting is not the actual sense of being imbalanced/asymmetrical, but knowing that I might be damaging my body by leaving my spine twisted for prolonged periods.

Anyone else experienced this or something similar? Would you have any suggestion?


Read it all, tried it all, can't remember any of it.

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Hmm, I can't say that I have.  There have been times where I'll meditate and lose sense of my body, like feeling a little slanted, if that's what you mean

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17 hours ago, DreamSpirit said:

Hmm, I can't say that I have.  There have been times where I'll meditate and lose sense of my body, like feeling a little slanted, if that's what you mean

Kind of slanted, yes. It's difficult to describe, it's like an urge to rotate my hip or shoulders a little in order to balance my upper body. But it often starts even before I lose sense of my body.

Read it all, tried it all, can't remember any of it.

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@Jan Odvarko I am familiar with your problem and also have it once in a while. For me it helps to keep my eyes open, so I don't have the illusion of sitting in-balanced what for me seems to come up in longer sits with eyes closed. However, if I want to close my eyes and I get the sense of being in-balanced I try to imagine that a string is connected to my neck and somebody is gently pulling it into the sky.

What then happens is that I unconsciously balance my self a little bit and get a better feeling. Also I found that I think that I'm in-balanced way more often then I really am. It is just a side effect from longer sittings. 

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