Jordan wang

Help For Ultimate Life Purpose Course Values Assessment?

13 posts in this topic

So here I am at Leo's course doing the values assesment part. I am staring at this sheet of 100 values.

and I've picked a lot of them... Leo told me to ask myself this question: "which of these values is the most meaningful and would make me the most fulfilled to embody?"

make me most fulfilled to embody? Is it like: it would do me the most benefit if I embody this value as my own?

Having to be in PD for a long while, I know exactly what values I need in order to succeed (there are kinda like a fixed core set of them) And I want to succeed really badly.

So I can't tell if I am choosing the authentic values or are just choosing according to the success formula.

how do I tell? Also i'm not sure if I should choose the values based upon my life situation right now.

For example: I can see that being openminded would benefit me a lot, but from what I've experienced over the past, sometimes I am openminded, sometimes not. (depend on the issue) So should this be one of my values?

If I just go with what I am doing right now, how do I know that what I am doing now is authentic?

ex: I work out in the gym a lot, do a lot of exercises. But how do I know "health/vigor/energy" is one of my values? Maybe it is not and I've been doing the wrong thing the whole time...

What does the question Leo want me to ask myself really mean and how should I determine my values?

I've already got like 15 values written down and I haven't got to the second page yet. Obviously some of those are fake and not authentic. 

Any good ways to eliminate some of them?

Jordan wang

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Yes, if you embodied this value it benefits you by making you happy and fulfilled, it's meaningful to you, its not about what it can get you externally and more about what it can get you and how it can make you feel internally you would feel good doing and living up to this value, whatever it is and if you weren't living up to this value you would just feel off. If you really value success, progress, purpose or passion might be a good value to choose. You'll figure out your true authentic values through trial and error remember this is a long term journey your on, just make sure to do your best. 

Memento Mori

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@Truth that's the thing, I don't know if I like it internally or not. I mean I've only found two values when I go back to my previous experiences, all the other 20 or so that I've found seems to have external benefits. 

Let's face it, when there are external benefits, it is hard to focus on the internal, the external benefits seems to blind me. I know this is bad, but how do I find what my authentic self want? 

any tips?

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1 hour ago, Jordan wang said:

@Truth that's the thing, I don't know if I like it internally or not. I mean I've only found two values when I go back to my previous experiences, all the other 20 or so that I've found seems to have external benefits. 

Let's face it, when there are external benefits, it is hard to focus on the internal, the external benefits seems to blind me. I know this is bad, but how do I find what my authentic self want? 

any tips?

Then just go with the external benefits, just be mindful of any toxic values that come up, if you haven't already heard about the toxic values, Leo will discuss them soon enough.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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Just keep going with the course.


Close to the end of the values assessment there's something to get rid of toxic values... Leo thinks of everything :)

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4 hours ago, AndreiC said:

Just keep going with the course.

@Jordan wang  That would be my advise, too. I just did the values assesment. Towards the end, there are some assesments, that provide you with insight on why you pursue the values, you picked.

Also, when you start using the values list, keep the previous assesments in mind. The purpose of the assesments before was to show you, whats meaningful to you in life. A value is an abstract label, that should represent these meaningful moments in your life. You get clear about what the meaningful thing of the expreience was and than come up with a label for that. If your label is accurate, you can use it as a compass to guide you towards more meaningful experiences.

Also keep in mind, that your values might change as you gain more life experience. Think about what was meaningful to you, before you heard about personal developement. Most likely not the same things as today. So its good to come back to the assesment from time to time and reevaluate if that set of words, you will generate still fits with your deepest, meaningful exsperiences.

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I just have to ask: Do you mediate or use psychedelics? The life purpose course means squat if ur trying to find purpose outside of your Source. Why bother even? You are thinking too much. Less thinking more intuition. Values don't come from overthinking, ever... 

are you connected to Source, do you feel you FUCKING HAVE TO DELIVER THIS MESSAGE TO THE WORLD at any cost? If not. Pause the course, dig into yourself for a while ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Values will be so aparent that justification and validation from others will be like getting a dead animal meat for your last supper in life. 

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@Jordan wang I'm kinda in the same situation as you are, stuck in the LP Course values part. Not sure what is really authentic to me. Did you get any new insights yet?

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On 17/06/2017 at 9:59 AM, Jordan wang said:


What does the question Leo want me to ask myself really mean and how should I determine my values?

Any good ways to eliminate some of them?

I took some action steps (baby steps) to figure this one out. For example, I love art, but it's not so easy to market art all by itself. I love making things, so I made these colorful, decorative, small baskets wrapped with chocolates inside and sold them as birthday return gifts (goody bags) at children's birthday parties. Of course, sweethearts also bought them to give to their bf/gf. The demand grew, and I couldn't keep up with the demand. I was making at least 30 baskets a day and staying up till 3 AM sometimes to meet those demands. It wasn't working out - too exhausting.

I had to change this art path slightly. After much thinking, I decided to incorporate language into my art. So, I decided to learn Mandarin, a pictorial language. I made a website and wrote a book in both English & Mandarin and did some networking. I met the founder of a school, who was also an investor and my mentor and he hired me as a bilingual teacher. I teach children in crafty ways. That's my career, but I'm still working on my life purpose which will also involve non-duality in both languages. This will be expressed in my website and book. It's a journey. 

In other words, my value is to teach language and non-duality in fun, creative, and easy to learn ways.

Additional recommended readings:


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On 17/06/2017 at 7:29 AM, Jordan wang said:

So here I am at Leo's course doing the values assesment part. I am staring at this sheet of 100 values.

and I've picked a lot of them... Leo told me to ask myself this question: "which of these values is the most meaningful and would make me the most fulfilled to embody?"

make me most fulfilled to embody? Is it like: it would do me the most benefit if I embody this value as my own?

Having to be in PD for a long while, I know exactly what values I need in order to succeed (there are kinda like a fixed core set of them) And I want to succeed really badly.

So I can't tell if I am choosing the authentic values or are just choosing according to the success formula.

how do I tell? Also i'm not sure if I should choose the values based upon my life situation right now.

For example: I can see that being openminded would benefit me a lot, but from what I've experienced over the past, sometimes I am openminded, sometimes not. (depend on the issue) So should this be one of my values?

If I just go with what I am doing right now, how do I know that what I am doing now is authentic?

ex: I work out in the gym a lot, do a lot of exercises. But how do I know "health/vigor/energy" is one of my values? Maybe it is not and I've been doing the wrong thing the whole time...

What does the question Leo want me to ask myself really mean and how should I determine my values?

I've already got like 15 values written down and I haven't got to the second page yet. Obviously some of those are fake and not authentic. 

Any good ways to eliminate some of them?

Jordan wang

I think you are supposed to choose those based on what would make you feel happy/fulfilled/proud of yourself.
For example, if you take a pair "adventure" and "science", which of these two would bring you more joy in life? Is it studying/researching something or diving into adventurous journeys? Which of these two would you choose?

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@Jordan wang

Your values are your guiding beacon, your light when all other lights fade. This stuff has to to come from very deep within. It should not be the surface level stuff and it should not be what society teaches you. This is a crucial exercise. Lock yourself in a room for 3 hours and contemplate. Your intuition can help you.  Look at all aspects of your life. Why do you do the things you do? 

So you lift weights. Why? To get girls ( sex, approval) , to get muscle ( physical apperance / fitness) , to promote longevity ( health) , to become a personal trainer ( contribution), to make yotuube videos ( wisdom, knowledge , approval)  . Take the actions you do throughout the day and break them apart. What are the re-appearing patterns. What makes you tick? Does it turn you on when you get to advice to someone at work? ( contribution,mastery). Do you love to read in the mornings? Do you enjoy making breakfast, lunch for other people?

What kind of movies do you watch? NatGeo ( Education), action movies( excitement, fun), Epic movies ( adventure / nature/ travel). What kind of games do you play on PC? Skyrim/Witcher ( adventure/Mastery/Dedication/Independence), Mafia (Approval, Power), GTA ( Independence/Freedom/ money) 

This helped me to find my values. I believe that you should seek for what you already have within but haven't discovered yet. What I first did was to select those that I wanted to have but in the end realised they wouldn't work for me in most cases. Many of the values you already have, you just don't know it :) 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Wilm unfortunatly no, I will start doing the course again soon though, and I will tell you when i have.

I'm thinking just go out and test the values out by actions, and see which ones makes me feel good.

I mean you can only take it so far in side your head

Check out my self development & adventure youtube channel and improve with me!!!

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