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The Nature Of Self.

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When I refer to the word "Self" I am talking about, the me, the ego, the whole sense of self that one experiences.

You could do a video covering what the self is all about,  how we live from the context of self survival. How self creates perception, by relating everything it perceives back to itself. You could go into the whole world of social survival and all of the subtleties That go on there. 

Any organism has only its perception to allow it to survive, to find food, to avoid danger, to know when to piss and whether its pissing ect. humans have several sophisticated forms of perception, on top of which we have some even more sophisticated means of interpretation. we know what something is, and we know what to do with it. this knowing however is not what we think it is. ~ Peter Ralston ~ The book of not knowing 15:7

If one is to truely transform, one must deeply investigate this area of oneself. As far as I am aware this isn't something you have covered yet.

There's so many angles of Self, and so much to become conscious of. This will help others not only understand there own experience more, but will also help push closer to enlightenment. 

As I am sure you know peter Ralston goes into such things in a lot of depth in his books, so you could take some important points from there ect. It would be cool to here your input on this subject also.


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