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Cheating On Diet

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I don't know where you are from guys... but here in italy we use the word "sgarro", that is almost a slang word to say "cheating", when people cheat on their diet. In the italian fitness community, and even going to the gym, I see so many people that always talk about "cheating on diet". People that ask to the each other "how many times per month do you cheat?" or "when I cheat on diet I eat this..."... I don't know why... but I never cheat on diet, people ask me "how can you avoid cheating on diet? how do you do it?"... and I never found an answer because, it is so easy for me to never cheat on diet, it's like the minimun thing I have to do, it's actually hard instead do cheating... So I wanted to ask you 2 question

1- Can you relate to this?

2- If you do relate, do you think that self-actualizers have that little bit of willpower already developed by doing harder things, like meditating, nofap, pickup, spiritual work or whatever, that allows to never ever cheat on diet?

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No but some things are easier for you to do, let's say more natural to do, without thinking about them how hard they are, and your belief system doesn't bother about cheat days. But there are some other things in which you are finding hard to accomplish. Just you are doing great in diets. Well done. I love cheat days! In my opinion,it's better to diet and cheat once in a while,than not even dieting at all. This cheating mechanism ,for me at least ,keeps me rolling and I'm motivated to do more and more. 

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@barry Being a very structured person, I have installed a fixed time when to cheat. Wednesday evening I can have a snack (anything like chips, candy, chocolate, cookies, etc). Friday at dinner time I can eat whatever I want (fries, pizza, hamburger, whatever).

All other days I eat healthy and I don't eat anything past 19:00. This way I can easily control my urges because whenever a thought arises to eat something after 19:00, another thought kills it saying: "Nope! you'll have to wait until wednesday, then you can have whatever you want!".

Whenever the thought arises to eat bad dinner, another thought arises: "Nope! you'll have to wait until friday, then you can eat whatever you want!"

This has massively changed my eating habits. My old method was: "I will only eat healthy from now on!" well that didn't work very well I can tell.

This method works very well for me, but for my wife (who has more serious eating problems) i'm not really sure.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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