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Introvert / Extrovert Loop

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Hi Guys, hope you're good

Leo touched on a topic in one of his later videos (I forget which one) on the introvert / extrovert loop, the premise being from my understanding that once you becoming fully content with being introverted you become by nature extroverted (or something along these lines).

Before I started meditating I was a massive extrovert and in some senses still am. I'm social sec of my university rugby club, always popping jokes etc. etc. But, recently I have found that I am becoming far more introverted, whereas before I would make every effort to go out with my friends now I prefer just sitting in and reading books etc. and while this certainly has its benefits I feel it has almost too far gone the opposite way. I value friendship highly and I am concerned if I continue on this path I will become so content with loneliness I will drift from my friends.

My question is in your opinion, should I just accept this as part of growth, or should I be conscious of my introversion and make more of an effort with my friends, as I did with meditation etc.? Or is the introvert extrovert loop theory saying I will come full circle and after this period of introversion and return to my old social ways with even greater vigour. 

I think Leo alluded that he might be making a video on this topic surely but just wanted to hear if you guys had any experience with this. I know its a complicated topic and most likely I have misconstrued some of the theory.

Many Thanks!

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If they are real friends, they will let you be alone during this period, and they will rejoice your coming back once you do.

It's a win-win situation you got there.


Anyway, just follow your bliss ya kna



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Shin said:

If they are real friends, they will let you be alone during this period, and they will rejoice your coming back once you do.

It's a win-win situation you got there.


Anyway, just follow your bliss ya kna


True but the argument against this would surely be that a true friend should always be there for that person, If I am going into deep introversion I may not be there for them, but this is sort of going a bit off topic!

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Similar thing happened with me man. I realised that a lot of my socialising was driven by self aggrandising to be cool/popular. This was necessary phase though, as I was pretty anti social in school so helped me get my skills up. However since getting into meditation etc, I've been becoming more introverted again because I'm realising it's just my authentic nature. Have a few good friends that serve you well and you genuinely connect with, but don't feel compelled to socialise just for the sake of being social if you feel there are bigger fish to fry.

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2 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

Similar thing happened with me man. I realised that a lot of my socialising was driven by self aggrandising to be cool/popular. This was necessary phase though, as I was pretty anti social in school so helped me get my skills up. However since getting into meditation etc, I've been becoming more introverted again because I'm realising it's just my authentic nature. Have a few good friends that serve you well and you genuinely connect with, but don't feel compelled to socialise just for the sake of being social if you feel there are bigger fish to fry.

Thanks a lot for sharing this, seems we are on a similar path right now

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