
What Is The System That Created ____?

14 posts in this topic

Expanding our perspective about various systems is important so I thought it would be great if we have a big list of systems to understand so we can evolve  faster.


...Than from that list if you have an insight from the questions below, share, post it as a comment below. So we can gain wisdom, balance, discernment,  a more meta perspective to see the interconnectedness of things , be more reflective (conscious), humble and evolve. This stuff can get very deep, we can think of systems that created other systems. So...

1.What is the system that created____________? (insert the system that you would like to better understand (-a pragmatic one-))

2. What is the system that fixed that problem? (answer with what you think would solve the problem (challenge) that you have or somebody else had mentioned in the list)

3. What's the purpose of this system ("A system also has purpose, it servers a function and is very important to understand what the function is, the function is even more important aspect of the system beyond the elements and the relationships, so as important as the relationships are in the system the purpose of the system is even more important, because that determines the general behavior of what the system is doing and the most important function of systems is to protect themselves, to maintain homestasis and to expand themselves  and to grow...see systems as living organisms" ~Leo)

4. How does the system maintain itself?

5. How does this system affect other systems?


I Will start with what I can think of right now but Will add more to it in the future.


What is the system that created____________?

  1. The ego
  2. Subtle addictions: gossip...
  3. mediocrity/ the top 1% in terms of wealth
  4. achivemenet/under achievement
  5. poor relationships (friends, relatives, family ) /great relationships
  6. a healthy individual /an unhealthy individual
  7. an evolving human being /an devolving human being
  8. success oriented mindset / failure
  9. a hippy
  10. a narcisist
  11. naive realism
  12. the illusion of freewill
  13. the illusion of time
  14. the ego illusion
  15. the tempation to exist (:D)
  16. instant gratification rather than long term vision
  17. a healthy human cell / an unhealthy human cell
  18. a ripped body
  19. a detoxified/ calcified pineal gland
  20. a meditation habit
  21. an early riser
  22. abundant energy / lack of energy
  23. focus / lack of focus
  24. other systems
  25. a fullfiled human being / unfullfiled human being
  26. a creative
  27. an icon
  28. an example (for yourself, for others)
  29. a new perspective / the same perspective
  30. a good memory / lack of memory
  31. a productive person / unproductive one
  32. the result that I would like to accomplish
  33. revolutionary new inventions
  34. belief in yourself /dis belief in yourself
  35. fear
  36. anger
  37. good habits /bad habits
  38. emotional maturity / emotional immaturity
  39. evolution of consciousness
  40. master /dabbler
  41. a strong immune system
  42. a great feedback loop
  43. consistency /inconsistency
  44. ignorance
  45. procrastination
  46. avoidance
  47. overwhelm
  48. transformation




Below are some examples of systems Leo has mentioned in his intro to systems thinking.

  •   Poverty
  •  Shrinking Middle Class
  •  Global Warming and the Environment
  •  Drug Addiction
  •  War
  • Obesity
  • Crime
  • Low-Quality Marketing
  • Education
  • Unemployment
  • Terrorism
  • Corruption
  • Depression
  • Endangered Species
  • Runaway Materialism

Video summary:



Feedback in this topic would be very beneficial. If somebody doesn't understand a system that created the problem and you have gained the insight of what solves the problem than please post it).


Edited by AleksM

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This is just too simplistic. Explain if you really understand the system that created fear. It's not enough to know, we need to understand :)


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21 hours ago, AleksM said:

What is the system that created__FEAR__?

The following are just examples of fears.

  1. The ego. Fear of its truth as just being a fabricated story of identity for the mind to make sense of itself. Hence its need for validation.
  2. Subtle addictions: gossip... fear of being seen as ignorant, "Look what I know"!
  3. mediocrity/ the top 1% in terms of wealth. Fear of success / fear of failure.
  4. achivemenet/under achievement. Fear of non-compliance / fear of compliance.
  5. poor relationships (friends, relatives, family ) /great relationships. Fear of relationships / fear of isolation or alone.
  6. a healthy individual /an unhealthy individual. Fear of a strict regime / fear an early death. 
  7. an evolving human being /an devolving human being. Fear of irresponsibility / fear of responsibility.
  8. success oriented mindset / failure. Fear of failure / fear of success. Both fear responsibility beyond their perceived ability.
  9. a hippy. Fear of conformity.
  10. a narcisist. Fear of not being noticed.
  11. naive realism. Fear of the unseen.
  12. the illusion of freewill. Fear of dependency.
  13. the illusion of time. Fear of now.
  14. the ego illusion. Same as (1).
  15. the tempation to exist (:D), Fear of annihilation. 
  16. instant gratification rather than long term vision. Fear of not being okay.
  17. a healthy human cell / an unhealthy human cell. Fear of dying / fear of eternity.
  18. a ripped body. Fear of weakness.
  19. a detoxified/ calcified pineal gland. Fear of clarity and responsibility.
  20. a meditation habit. Fear of self-honesty.
  21. an early riser. Fear of missing out.
  22. abundant energy / lack of energy. Fear of withering / fear of responsibility.
  23. focus / lack of focus. Fear of distraction / fear of boredom.
  24. other systems. Fear of only one system, such as fear.
  25. a fullfiled human being / unfullfiled human being. Fear of drama / fear of nothing.
  26. a creative. Fear of unimagined possibilities.
  27. an icon. Fear of unworthiness.
  28. an example (for yourself, for others). Fear of having no meaning.
  29. a new perspective / the same perspective. Fear of not changing. / fear of changing.
  30. a good memory / lack of memory. Fear of forgetting / fear of remembering.
  31. a productive person / unproductive one. Fear of unworthiness / fear of responsibility or expectations.
  32. the result that I would like to accomplish. Fear of dealing with a lesser expectation.
  33. revolutionary new inventions. Fear of mediocrity. 
  34. belief in yourself /dis belief in yourself. Fear of indecision / fear of incorrect decision.
  35. fear. Fear of truth and love.
  36. anger. Fear of things not going one's way. Fear of the unexpected.
  37. good habits /bad habits. Fear of not taking a risk / fear of being responsible for self.
  38. emotional maturity / emotional immaturity. Fear of being childlike / fear of being responsible or adult.
  39. evolution of consciousness. Fear of ignorance.
  40. master /dabbler. Fear of inadequacy / fear of mediocrity.
  41. a strong immune system. Fear of having to always perform strongly.
  42. a great feedback loop. Fear of inadequate change.
  43. consistency /inconsistency. Fear of uncertainty / fear of the mundane or expected. 
  44. ignorance. Fear of enlightenment and self responsibility.
  45. procrastination. Fear of failure.
  46. avoidance. Fear of responsibility.
  47. overwhelm. Fear of inability to handle it or accept it.
  48. transformation. Fear of losing what you already know or am.

My words in blue.

The system that created fear is the ego. And it fears the truth. The truth that it is invalid. Any truth is a potential threat for its exposure of invalidity. Truth is the only thing that can penetrate all denials, all cover-stories, all deceptions, and the ego-self.

Without fear, only the truth will be known.

Fear causes tension in a person, like a clenched hand. It squeezes and drains a person life energy to an earlier death. The truth in a person has been covered up by stories of fear. The person tries to avoid fear not be truth but by deception. All fear based deceptions are created by the mind to protect its own identity, the ego, so it can make sense of itself. This originally happened when the mind could not sense itself or its originator - the brain. The brain has no nerve ends on itself and cannot be sensed.

On the other hand, love causes relaxation in a person, like an open hand. It is the opened heart which allows truth and love in a person to fill the being with radiance of uncreated light - pure unconditional love. This love is fearless and all knowing. It requires no system other than faith.

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lol yea but what your talking about is not practical. We still need a strong ego to self-actualize otherwise your just a witness. Polarity is an illusion but hey that illusion still exists and you need to learn to integrate both truth (oneness) and polarity (separation/ego) not just oneness. We need to balance being and doing not just being. I can agree that what you told is still beneficial for a higher understanding so thank you.

You can be enlightened and still have a strong ego, you just see trought it and not get attached to it.

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1 hour ago, AleksM said:

lol yea but what your talking about is not practical. We still need a strong ego to self-actualize otherwise your just a witness. Polarity is an illusion but hey that illusion still exists and you need to learn to integrate both truth (oneness) and polarity (separation/ego) not just oneness. We need to balance being and doing not just being. I can agree that what you told is still beneficial for a higher understanding so thank you.

You can be enlightened and still have a strong ego, you just see trought it and not get attached to it.

When at the rock-bottom of self-actualization, at the basics, one's self-esteem (ego-energy) is in a low/poor state. The idea is to build up that self-esteem to a point where one can start improving psychologically. And start working towards the next levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. When you get to the top level one starts to realize that they no longer need to be fulfilled; because they already are, and have been all along, but fear blinded them from that truth. In other words, the idea is to build up enough self-esteem to no longer need it. They still have an ego because it is part of the mind, yet they know that they no longer need it, so the don't give into its deluded fears when they arise. 

A strong ego usually means, and points to, the opposite direction of being gentle, patient, tolerant, forgiving, allowing, accepting, humble and loving. A strong ego usually means tight fisted while a humbled ego is open hearted. I cannot see how a truthful loving person as impractical, when in fact such a person is authentic, reliable, honest, patient, and efficient in all aspects of life.

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Ego is a system. We are talking about systems here not about Truth.

Fear is biological (a biological system ). It stems from the brain. And we are not the brain, so it's False Evidence Appearing Real. But I'm not that interested in biological systems or the Truth in this thread more in mental systems.




Edited by AleksM

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10 hours ago, AleksM said:

Ego is a system. We are talking about systems here not about Truth.

Fear is biological (a biological system ). It stems from the brain. And we are not the brain, so it's False Evidence Appearing Real. But I'm not that interested in biological systems or the Truth in this thread more in mental systems.

Is not the word mental related to the mind. And the word biological related to the organism, such as the brain?

The mind is a by-product of brain activity. The ego is a fabrication by the mind, so to is fear and other emotions.

The brain is biological for sure. If we dissect the head we will see the brain, but not the mind. We cannot point at anything biological and say "Look. there is the mind", or "look, there is the ego, and over there is the fear". 

So the mind, ego, and fear are mental systems; are they not.

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The mind and ego is a mental system, yes fear is also a mental system but it's not only that it's biological.

Why not create a mental system for understanding fear now? I think having a mental system for dealing with fear is important. That would be cool.


2. What is the system that fixed that problem? Understanding fear


Definition of fear from the distionary:

noun: fear; plural noun: fears

1. an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

2. be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.



Amygdala determines emotional significance of sensory input. Self-awarness is key to dealing with fear.

I have found a great article that explains fear.

3. What's the purpose of this system

This system became biological thousands of years ago and now it's no longer serving us as it was back then, it's limiting us most of the time. It served a purpose to keep us alive, it's one of the earliest survival mechanisms.


4. How does the system maintain itself?

Identification with emotions. Letting emotions stop you.

5. How does this system affect other systems?

If you are identified with emotions than you Will always stay in the comfort zone, and that is not the safe zone anymore, it baceme a danger zone that leads to mediocrity.


Edited by AleksM

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Yes you are right about real fear, which is a small portion of the fears we experience. Most of our fears are ego based. The main one being the fear of judgment, followed by fears of rejection, segregation, abandonment, and annihilation. If a person truly (the truth system) knows themselves, and no longer keeping any secrets of self, then they have no fear of judgment (or surprises of exposure) and all its fear-based subsidiaries. With such a liberated mindset they can discern the value of a real fear (threat of life) and knowing the best corrective measure to circumvent it.

It is knowing and accepting the truth of the matter which disarms fear. The best way to deal with fear is to acknowledge the fear for what it is and face it (accept it), and in that acceptance the fear (of not being able to deal with it) disappears, because you will know how to deal with it.

The saying 'the truth will set you free' is related to freedom from fears. A non-truth is a deception. All deceptions are based on the fear of being found out (the truth). To be truthful is to be fearless. A true person can overcome mental and manage biological fears. The truth of anything is the only reality, anything else is not real. A truthful person has nothing to prove (a rested ego), and from their truth comes unconditional love. For love and truth share the same characteristics (reliable, not needing anything, restful, supportive, clarity, fearless, doubtless, decisive). A truthful person is a loving person.

The peak of self-actualization (the fulfillment of one's potential) is to become true (truth system). Truth is the highest potential and reality.

Edited by Visitor

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That the brain exists and produces fear is a belief. By choosing to believe this, you have made it true for yourself. Fear is a perspective of lack. Lack is a misunderstanding of everything. Everything is love. 



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A mental fear becomes a physical one in my opinion. You first identify with thoughts or emotions or belieff, sound, touch, smell or other sensory data and than that identification which is mental becomes physical. Thoughts become things. This is how our brain formed itself. Reverse engineer it.

Truth is the ultimate system I can agree with that but only partialy. Being conscious of consciousness and accepting Truth in the now makes everything effortless without a mental resistance. But this is not the end of the equation in my opinion. You need that effortlessness but you also need to conciously design mental, emotional, physical systems so you can PENETRATE with that effortlessness into that.

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@AleksM I would consider skipping all these secondary systems of the mind and focus on you as a system. You are feeling exactly like you've been eating, excercising, and thinking. There is no other contributing factor. Momentum rules everything because it is our very perspective.



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What secondary system? Focus on me as a system? Yes that's exactly what I'm doing. Mind = ego = system. Eating is a system. Exercising is a system. Thinking is a system. 

I want to find answers to all those questions that Leo provided by studying the systems I have listed in the first post.

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