
Transgender Psychology

9 posts in this topic

  On 2/16/2016 at 2:59 PM, Bronsoval said:

Complete self acceptance? Or complete self denial?

It depends on the person but probably more often self-acceptance. Levels of masculinity and femininity are mostly pre-conditioned, so they are real forces of nature within people. Everyone has a unique signature of these energies. So, if a person identifies at transgendered, they likely have an inverse ratio of these energies compared to the average person of their sex. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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I can not speak from personal expierence as I am not transgender, but I do have friends who are. I knew them all before and after the change. The thing they all have in common is that they were very clearly one gender (not an effeminate man or a masculine woman) and they sought out to make themselves more like the other sex.  The order they did this in was the same.  1. The way they act changes.  They suddenly become more confident and have a sense of purpose 2. New identity.  They start dressing differently, change their name, etc. 3. Hormone therapy. 4.  Surgery.  5. Deny "old" person ever existed.  Every single one of my friends struggled with depression before the change.  I think for many of them, it was more of a rebirth, and a new lease on life.  I have no idea of their motives or their inner thoughts obviously, i just know what I have observed and I think it is interesting.

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I'm not qualified to speak on this but dats not gonna stop me!

While it could be true that there is some strange failure in the process of development for a human being, causing the phenomena "trapped in wrong body", it is also true that a person can "identify" as a fucking dragon

What I take from this is that it could be both legit and non-legit.

In some cases it may be a real alteration in the process of human growth, and in some it could be a mental health issue. 

Endless nuance

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Here's where it gets tricky.  To even identify as a person is false.  There is no you.  The "you" that you think you are does not exist. So this entire transgender thing regardless of conditions or reasons must be a play of the ego to protect itself.  Maybe?

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  On 2/16/2016 at 5:59 PM, Bronsoval said:

Here's where it gets tricky.  To even identify as a person is false.  There is no you.  The "you" that you think you are does not exist. So this entire transgender thing regardless of conditions or reasons must be a play of the ego to protect itself.  Maybe?

im the universe currently manifesting itself as a humanbeing how bout that 

Endless nuance

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I strongly believe self-acceptance is the way to go. I don't personally know anyone with this issue, but I think it should be totally fine, in today's society, to live without the sex change, even if there was a developmental error during the first few months of the pregnancy. Why not just.. accept who you are? Why go through a fairly dangerous and forceful chemical change in your body just to match some dogmatic roles that the mainstream propagates? If you're a homosexual feminine guy who likes flowers and romantic movies, I see no reason to cut your chest open and punch in two blops of syllicon. Just live your life however you want to, live by your values, not by what other people tell you. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but the fact that someone can be born one gender and feel like another is NOT the sole, nor the most important reason, why people get a sex change. I think it's a much deeper psychological problem that has nothing to do with having or not having a penis.

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I am a woman by birth. And identify as a woman. 
If I evaluate my level of femininity vs level of masculinity, I would probably place somewhere around the middle, maybe a bit more on the masculine side.

Now, even though I personally wouldn't go through a sex change procedure, I can absolutely understand why someone would. There are so many annoying things about being a woman (that you can neither change nor ignore) and you most definitely din't choose.

Like periods. Freakin' periods. Everything hurts and you feel like crying and murdering someone at the same time with the same knives that are stabbing you in your ovaries. There are also slight issues like giving birth,  being scared to walk alone at night, not to mention getting paid less or being looked down on as the weaker sex (that's at least how it is where I come from). I realise that most of this can be changed, given enough time and resources, but I can also see why some people would like to avoid all that nonsence in the first place and switch teams.

You are, after all the same person.
And no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to fight against the whole grain and still see the fruits of my labour in my short lifetime. We aren't there yet.  

Sometimes sex change is not about (not)having a penis, but something more complex than that, and not necesserily of psychological nature.

That's at least my view on it... 


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I'm basing these numbers on pure guesswork but I think about 90% of all transgender people are completely denying who they are.
I don't care how "against the law" it is to say that.

1. The male brain is different from the female brain and is made to be masculine.

2. The subconscious run through the entire body and is shaped by it, if you have a dick etc that will make you more masculine and vice versa for women (this also beg the question if there's a difference between races etc, red heads are far more horny btw lol).

If you don't live up to that it create the same mentality as if you want to live your passion but it's extremely fucking difficult and the pressure take you down to create a black sun.

At first you try to make yourself look masculine (in the scenario of a guy who'll want to be a girl) with big cars, big house and big women (not sure about the last one...) and then they see that that doesn't make them happy (duh) and because they relate all that bullshit to being "a man" they think they don't want to be men anymore so they become women and perhaps they're allowed to let their real feminine energies out at least or perhaps they just don't have the "choice" to look back and regret their choices because they don't want to see their own lies after having crossed the point of no return.

Or if they just feel so pathetic at being men that it will just be easier being a sexy girl in their self-pity (100% honestly, I can kinda relate to that, and they have a clitoris... that's not fucking fair...)

As for the last 10% (sucks to be them) they are the ones who have a real female brain basically which they were born with and so they feel they can only complete that life in a female body as well (or a male brain but maybe by that point it's to late).

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