Joseph Maynor

What Is One Personal Development Practice You Do Daily That Gives You Good Results

13 posts in this topic

Give us a practice that you do daily that you would recommend that other people do.  

One from me -- I take a full bath (not shower) every morning and that helps relax me for my day.  It is one little hack that surprisingly has paid large dividends to me.  Just that little luxury of taking a bath instead of a shower every morning.

If meditation, please specify or describe the kind of meditating you do.  How do you act or not act while meditating?  Just saying meditation doesn't tell me much.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I do meditation right after I wake up. Gives me a big mindfulness boost throughout the day.

With my meditation I just like to focus on my breathing and play with awareness.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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I was going to say meditation as well, but since it's too obvious, I'll go with cleaning up my diet. It has changed my entire life, my way of thinking and the relationships to other sentient beings. I went plant-based (I also try to stay away or at least to reduce processed foods) a year and a half ago and it has been the single most powerful change in my life :)

Edited by phoenix666

whatever arises, love that

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@phoenix666 I read in Sadhguru's book that cleaning up diet has indeed a lot of pro's since if you think about it, the food you eat eventually turns into you. So if you eat healthy your mind will be clearer and your body healthier.

It's hard to do now since I live with my parents so sometimes I just gotta eat what is for dinner that day, but when I go and live on my own after I finish school, I'm planning to go super healthy aswell

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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@Max_V Sadhguru's book? added to my book list, thanks. :P

I still live with my parents most of the time as well. I just prepare my own food and I even managed to change their eating habits towards the better as well. Even just small changes can have a big impact if done day after all adds up. While you still live with your parents you can make baby steps towards better food choices. Who knows, they may follow you into better health ;)

good luck on your journey!

whatever arises, love that

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For inner growth, I do

  • Journaling every morning
  • Do Nothing Meditation
  • Concentration Practice
  • Self-Inquiry
  • Constant vigilance of emotions and feelings and constant body-awareness
  • Lots of book-reading on Self-Help and Spirituality
  • Go to stillness and silence in every moment of the day

I do these every single day. Huge growth involved!

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other than meditation which is the most obvious and profound, I'd say healthy eating. Im experimenting with whole food plant based right now and feel fucking amazing. My body feels transparent and like its just gently floating here. It's seriously changing my life! Im already more confident, compassionate, and energized and I'm only about a month in. 

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@phoenix666 Really awesome you were able to change the eating habits of your parents!  I would really like to help them with that aswell because I know what big improvement it made. When I stopped eating chips, lots of cookies and candy I just started feeling clearer and happier overal. When I try to tell them how it might benefit them aswell they give me "Max you don't know how it is to work every day, come home and want something to comfort you" So idk really know how to give them motivation to change. 

Also do you cook food for yourself now too? that seems like something interesting! I'd like to learn how to cool aswell. Maybe it's time, I'm 17 and I don't even know how to cook anything other then an omelette haha

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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1. Awareness. Practice of letting go on everything your mind think you are and everything your mind think you know. 

That was a pretty good start for me :)

''Firmness in Love" 

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@Max_V I know, my parents say the exact same thing, haha. But I think that one must have priorities in life, health being one of them. 

yes, I've always liked cooking, I started experimenting with it when I was 15. So when I changed to being vegan I just had to replace everything with a healthier option (whole plant foods). you don't have to make god knows what, stick with the easy stuff. I am sure you find plenty of healthy, easy vegan recipes on youtube. :) 

whatever arises, love that

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