
Lack Of Purpose Is Depressing

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I have always been a very curious and academic person, but have been interested in so many topics that I find myself changing "life purpose" every two days. I read a lot every day about science, politics, philosophy,history, etc. I have all these small bits of knowledge in such a wide range of areas that it is difficult for me to contribute in any  significant way. Im in my early twenties, halfway through a major of which Im not passionate about (changing major is not possible, I have changed  4 times). I just feel this inner craving for working my ass off towards something meaningful that helps the world, this intense desire to go all out in one particular domain. I just cant find which specific domain, and havent been able to for years, all I know is that I want to be the best in something (and that something ought to be a logical or mental discipline, not artistic or creative). What should I do? I would consider buying the life purpose course, but cant afford it yet, any advice with what Ive got?

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@emind buy a copy of "So Good They Can't Ignore You" by Cal Newport.

what he basically says is that mission comes after competence/being good.

-> work your ass off and develop your strengths, the mission will probably come later

what are your strengths?

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@emind I feel you. I'm exactly in your position with way too many interests. I infact feel like a 4 year old with too many questions and too many "passions". 

What I'm trying to do is to start somewhere. I've picked up a specific area and I'm working in it to learn more about the field. I haven't taken the life purpose course but I'm sure it is of great help. What I did however was to find my top values and see if the particular field would incline with it. For instance I discarded the idea of being a pianist cause it doesn't align with my values though I thought it was my "passion".

Don't force the values however, I haven't found all my top 10 but the ones I do have are the ones I'm certain of. 

I can understand the frustration but don't try to fit in the answers, I tried and tricked myself into believing that I've found my life purpose but it was only me trying to avoid the pain of not knowing. Theory and research has its own place but so does experience. Do some research and pick up something specific, something that you're deeply interested in and something that aligns with your values, and try to engage yourself in the field, it will be your intuition from time to time that will guide you then. 

Anyway, now you know you're not alone in this rut, we can always talk :)

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@el_duderino Massive +1 on So Good They Can't Ignore You

Humans are goal oriented creatures. It's built into our physiology to constantly work towards a goal. Hence the depression over lack of purpose.

However, there's also the danger of overthinking what your ultimate life's goal is. More often than not, you already know it, you just lack the self- awareness. So, the idea isn't to figure it out and develop a step-by-step plan right away. But you do need to begin.

What I like to think is that it doesn't matter where you're going as long as you keep going. As you stay in motion, magical things will begin to happen and you'll manifest exactly what you desire. 

Don't think about what you can do - an activity or a vocation. Think about who you want to become as a person - you being the North Star. Start off with one thing. Dedicate yourself to it. As life changes, you course-correct yourself but you'll essentially stay in alignment with who you are without attaching yourself to a particular thing.


Body Mind Empowerment 
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@emind hello there. your suffering is legitimate. i've been there.

i know how it feels to have the urge to fix the world. and i'm here to tell you this: your world is you.

you need to go deep into yourself and feel all the pain you can find. you need to learn how to forgive yourself so you'll be able to have a clean life.

forgiveness comes with pain. get into this inner journey for real. there's no other way.

do you wanna be good at something? this is the real deal: self-mastery.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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Leo said in a video that your life purpose is, if nothing else, to figure out your life purpose.


That was the key message of one of the long ass videos.

Excellence is the same as habit. When you constantly do something, you might become excellent at it. -Aristotle

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