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Sex Energy , Regret

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I am 33 yrs and all my life till now I have been realising sexual energy through masterbating and now since I have come to know that sexual energy can be converted into creative energy , I regret why I lost years in masterbation  . And I could have been more creative and confident , my life could have been different if had known this thing . please tell me what shall I do to come out of this regret

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@Dharam this pain you feel is noble and rare. to grow out of it you need to implement a meditation habit. speaking about myself: i wouldn't have done it without zazen and hatha yoga.

live fully now. transform yourself consciously now.

the pain has done its job, which was to take you to this purifying state. now you can leave the pain behind and do your job. it's your turn.

unborn Truth

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@Dharam Your time was not wasted. That's a bullshit story you are telling yourself. Actually, the regret could be a defense mechanism having it's roots in fear of taking action now. Do you want to spend your energy and time now in dwelling over the past and regret, or actually do what you want to do and spend the energy creativily? The regret story is an unconscious ego-maneuver to justify staying in old patterns.

"Oh had I just known this, my past would have been glorious and I would be perfectly happy and proud now looking back; but since this is not the case, I'm unhappy, because my life story should be better/more complete/contain more success/contain less of what I'm ashamed of/etc. Since I wasted all this time, I would forever be behind of where I could be, and the awareness that a more successfull past could have been possible is hitting me so hard that it feels futile to take action now" All this had/would/should/could is just you arguing with reality. It's a pure fantasy story like Harry Potter (Look up Leos video "Stop moralizing") 

You have to call bullshit on the part in you that wants yesterday to be different instead of doing what you want to do now. It's just a story; the past doesn't even exist except in the telling of the story.

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@Echoes I am actually realising it when I see my past with an average awareness mind that so much time wasted and I am now concerned about gathering the energy , so I think the mediation is the only way to recover 

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20 minutes ago, Dharam said:

mediation is the only way to recover 

Meditation is a very complex phenomenon. It looks simple; it is not. It is a science, a complete science in itself. It is bound to be, because meditation means a deep mutation of your total being.

The whole being has to be transformed, so it is obviously going to be a complex affair.

Man is a complexity; the mutation is bound to be also a complex thing. Some basic elements must be understood. One: your body - your body must be in a deep cooperation; otherwise, meditation will be unnecessarily difficult. Your body must be in such a state that it helps, not hinders. As it is ordinarily, it is a deep hindrance. Your body goes on hindering you; it becomes an obstacle, and if you want to transform, you must purify the body first. And by purifying the body many things are meant. First, you must not be identified with it; that is the first and the most basic impurity.

One must not be identified with one's body. One must remain in a beyondness, in a transcendence.

Neither one should think, "I am the body," nor one should think, "I am in the body." Rather, one should remain in a constant remembering: "I am something beyond the body - neither one with it, nor IN it, nor within it, but beyond." Constant remembrance that "I am beyond my body" gives a different dimension to your whole being. Try it, constantly! You are moving, walking, sleeping - whatsoever the state - remember constantly that you are as if something is hovering over the body, beyond the body. Not in it, not within it, not one with it, just something beyond, moving with the body, living with the body, enveloping the body.

Think of it this way. Ordinarily we think, "I am enveloped by the body." That's why the word "body" - body means that in which we are embodied. We are within and the body is without: "Body is a casket, a house, and I am in it. Change the thing totally, upside down. Let the body be in and YOU be out - beyond the body, hovering, enveloping.

If you can change this attitude from yourself being within, to yourself being beyond, you will feel a sudden change: your body will become light; all the heaviness will be gone and your body will become something with wings.

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