
Are You An Experienced Nlp Coach/trainer? Please Check Out My Post!

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I will be attending an NLP course in september, and I have gotten really excited, since the host told me that it eventually could lead to a career/business owner as a coach. I've started having these ideas about what the future could bring.

A short explanation of what I am currently seeing in my head is: Finish Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses -> Start coaching other students for free for a while to get practice -> Try to build up a reputation through presentations in my university, where I offer these free training sessions -> Hopefully be able to charge people for the coaching sessions -> Being coaching as a part-time job -> Take the training necessary for NLP Trainer -> Start lecturing courses in NLP -> Eventually, as I become more and more experienced, I am thinking about having seminars or more in-depth presentations about NLP, and my current overall goal is to travel the world, arranging seminars and maybe courses, but;

I have no experience in the field, and therefore I was wondering if there's anyone reading this post who's got experience as an NLP coach/lecturer or seminar host? I'd really appreciate any advice about going into NLP, and if you want to share a story of your life with NLP, with me.

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NLP is the theory of everything.

My story is: I used a lot of NLP to reprogram my subconscious part of the brain to handle money more effective.

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