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Sacred Contracts And Guides - Is It A Load Of Bs?

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Guys, I thought this would be appropriate to post since watching Leo’s how to get started with self-actualisation video and he mentions taking treatments from the New Age movement. More and more I hear people talking about guides and sacred contracts. That we have a support system of guides who are guiding us at all times and that sacred contracts have been made with these guides and people in your life to allow you to learn what you have pre-determined what you came to earth to learn. More and more in conscious TV and videos and from highly regarded healers both in the public eye and not I hear people talking about this and all the while I can’t help but think it’s a load of BS. If reality is only what the brain is rendering, so even if you are having these insights yourself or from a channeller, how do we know that these ideas aren’t just coming from the brain? More specifically if you’re in circles of the new age community where this is common then wouldn’t your brain be more likely to latch onto this as an idea, how much can we trust the brain to be actual reality, even on psychedelics and what even is reality? Would love to hear your thoughts, Best, Sophie.

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Have you had your first enlightenment experience?

if not, I would wait to see how your view of guides changes after that.

My first nondual experience showed me that reality, while rendered from the brain, does not actually COME from the brain. The brain is IN consciousness, not the other way around.

So the brain is really more like a transmitter. But transmitting from where???

It must be from outside all of this. And if I grant that physicality is an illusion and that non-physical is primary, is it that difficult to imagine non physical beings?

Anyway, speculating about it on a forum won't do much. The rational mind doubts anything it can't understand or prove. So go get your proof.

Go see a medium. Go pickup a book on how to channel. Go try astral projection. These things will all solve your question faster than anything I could say.

Edited by aurum

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Thanks for your reply aurum, that's really helpful! I totally get what you're saying yes! i have had an enlightenment experience that lasted for a couple of seconds when I was deeply following the questions of Mooji in Satsang, on video. It was overwhelming what I experienced and brought me to tears, he asked 'can it be taken away from you' as in your experience etc whilst I was in thoughtless awareness and I had a vast amount of information rush in as what I can only think of was an enlightenment experience or insight so i totally get what you are saying about the brain being in it, I get a sense of what that means from this experience but I suppose I need to have  more of them and deeper ones to fully understand more.

Thanks. xxx

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Accept yourself with love. I love myself I love all me cellfs i intend all my cells to see this light. Loves light embrace I.

Now feel others emotion only to be your own feel the pain and anger or happiness regret of others and use this as I.

All is one as in our own. Release all negative and embrace that which is positive in I. 

Understand this is our one conscious to observe/ feel only that which is I Am.

This is a contract of I Am. One being my soul to own tbis body to replace it is only that which grounds us to identify with others or this. 

Two ways live in fear or forever live in the light of love. That is contract of present state. Think this way. 

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On 9/6/2017 at 0:23 PM, Sophie said:

Guys, I thought this would be appropriate to post since watching Leo’s how to get started with self-actualisation video and he mentions taking treatments from the New Age movement. More and more I hear people talking about guides and sacred contracts. That we have a support system of guides who are guiding us at all times and that sacred contracts have been made with these guides and people in your life to allow you to learn what you have pre-determined what you came to earth to learn. More and more in conscious TV and videos and from highly regarded healers both in the public eye and not I hear people talking about this and all the while I can’t help but think it’s a load of BS. If reality is only what the brain is rendering, so even if you are having these insights yourself or from a channeller, how do we know that these ideas aren’t just coming from the brain? More specifically if you’re in circles of the new age community where this is common then wouldn’t your brain be more likely to latch onto this as an idea, how much can we trust the brain to be actual reality, even on psychedelics and what even is reality? Would love to hear your thoughts, Best, Sophie.

I was thinking to start a topic about it but I saw your.

There's a lot of New Age weird concepts that we dont know if are true or a Scam:

-Soul contract revocations and Declarations of Sovereignty: basically they say we are slaves of the archons from before birth .

-Twin flames



Does somebody have proofs of this nonsense? Are this concepts from some ancient wisdom book like the Kybalion or just invention of woo-woo people?


Edited by Moreira

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Very simple  and straight advice 

Do what is simple,  result-yielding  and plausible.  Rest all is bs.  Just traps. 




  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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The only thing that I can add to this conversation is to find your own truth. Perhaps that is your sacred contract for this lifetime... haha! Perhaps that is where you are at on this journey at this time. But I agree with you, there is a lot of stuff out there that is complete whackery-do. But it is those people's truths, and they feel compelled to share them in hopes that someone will benefit. And as some say, all truths lead to enlightenment. Some just take longer. Learn discernment. Discern what is your truth and what will lead you to your goal efficiently. That is where self-inquiry comes to play. It is all one big puzzle, your puzzle. 

Edited by starsofclay



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