
You Have No Idea What Enlightenment Is

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UG and his lack of awareness of emptiness or god always astounded me as he was a person that helped me a lot on the path.

I now understand why. If you read jeffrey martin's locations within symbolic consiousness, and ugs biological enlightenment book. Im which he talks about enlightenment as a biological event. It will alsp be clear he experiences life from location four out of the numerous "locations" that exist within nom symbolic consiousness.

That fact plus his personality lead to the ug you see online. He is great for hardcore seekers that need to stop seeking but kind of sucks as a teacher.

description of location 4

"Location 4, which includes both the transitional location and those beyond it where the experience it ushers in continues to deepen. All remaining vestiges of self-related thoughts are gone by this point, as are experiences of emotion. Feelings of deep interconnectedness and union with God, an all pervasive consciousness, and so forth also disappeared. These participants reported having no sense of agency or any ability to make a decision. It felt as if life was simply unfolding and they were watching the process happen. Severe memory deficits were common in these participants, including the inability to recall scheduled events that were not regular and ongoing. Participants who progressed to this location from one or more previous ones reported the highest level of well-being. Often this amazed them as they did not imagine anything could have been better than Location 3. "



I agree with most of what you said though

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This is what the Buddhists call unskillful means.

You ain't gonna get far with this kind of brutish attitude. You will be about as developed as Donald Trump.

Some mighty fine Zen-deviling here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@jjer94 I might seem bit bitter but that is just the glass through which I am looking at my world right now. I read UG Krishnamurti and took over his perspective to evaluation my situation and this madness is the result. Read Leo's last post to understand what I mean by that.

I am actually happier in life than I have ever been. I am free. I can be whoever I want (until I resign my I-ness forever). I am coming from a people-pleaser, introvert, spectator profile and now I can stir up some shit without any blockages and that feels goood.

Meditation, healthy eating, exercise, contemplation and all that jazz is well worth it, so don't get me wrong. It's just that if you take this to the deepest level than there will be some really 'interesting' turn of events. 

I don't know where you want to go to with all your meditation, healthy eating, exercise, contemplation? What do you want to accomplish? The deeper I get the more I just sit on my bed and do nothing. I am happier than before but from an 'common wordly' perspective I slowly turn into a total failure.


Edited by No-Thing

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@Leo Gura Yes it was definitely unskillful. As unskillful as a sledgehammer in a china shop. I felt the turmoil I created. 

Edited by No-Thing

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  On 6/8/2017 at 8:15 PM, No-Thing said:

The now does not exist. God does not exist.

You can refute that statement with 30mg of 5-MeO-DMT up your nostrils. I challenge you. ^_^

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Azrael I met her (me/you/all) a couple of times but probably not as fully as on a 5-MeO-DMT trip. I accept your challenge. When the substance flows naturally into my life I will try. I try not to be attached to seeking the divine but when I am honest with myself I am still a little.

I stand my ground though that the belief that God exist is wrong. All beliefs are and if you are attached to the thought that god exists than that stands between you and the natural state but I think I don't need to tell you.

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@No-Thing God, Shakti, leilas play. Are merely symbols that represent the energetic half of the infinite.  Which do be real doe.

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  On 6/8/2017 at 11:18 PM, No-Thing said:

I stand my ground though that the belief that God exist is wrong

Agreed, God shouldn't be given a name until it is experienced.

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@Paintballer Yes but you kinda need to not care to "meet" it. If you are in a lucid dream and you recognize it for the first time you wake up. If you meditate and something starts to happen and you get exited or afraid or anything, you tend to wake down.

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  On 6/8/2017 at 8:15 PM, No-Thing said:

You have no idea what enlightenment is and You never will. No one knows what it is. You will not become a better person. You will not have any insights. You will not grow your consciousness. There is nothing to gain. The search is over. The search for anything and everything is pointless. Everything is meaningless. There is nothing to understand. Stop. People will not like you more. You will not gain any mystic powers. The now does not exist. God does not exist. Meditation is a waste of time. Buddha was full of shit. Spirituality is a fairytale for confused children. Raising your awareness is masturbation. Nothing you will ever do will improve your life. Personal Development is stupid. Listening to Leo or any other teacher is as useful as reading Donald Trumps tweets.

If for any weird reason you resonate with this message. Check out U.G. Krishnamurti


Then what is the point in this post?

Messiah like message to the stupid herd?;)


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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  On 6/9/2017 at 1:39 AM, AlwaysBeNice said:

UG and his hurt inner child 

Osho on U G Krishnamurti – Just the other day I was reading a lecture of U. G. Krishnamurti. He says he went to see Ramana Maharishi. He was not attracted — because he was chopping vegetables. Yes, Ramana Maharishi was that kind of man, very ordinary. Chopping vegetables! U. G. Krishnamurti must have gone to see somebody extraordinary sitting on a golden throne or something.

Ramana Maharishi just sitting on the floor and chopping vegetables? preparing vegetables for the kitchen! He was very much frustrated. Then another day he went and saw him reading jokes. Finished for ever! This man knows nothing. This man is very ordinary. He left the ashram; it was not worth it. But I would like to say to you: this man, Ramana Maharishi, is one of the greatest Buddhas ever born to the world. That was his Buddha  hood in action!

U. G. Krishnamurti must have been in search of a pretender. He could not see the ordinariness and the beauty of it and the grace of it. And this same man, U. G. Krishnamurti, lived with Swami Sivaananda  of Rishikesh for seven years — and that chap was just stupid — and practised yoga with him.

And after seven years he recognized that he has nothing, but after seven years, he took seven years. That simply shows that he also has a mighty dull mind.

Seven years to see that Sivanand has nothing. Seven seconds are more than enough! And with Ramana Maharshi, seven seconds were enough — because he saw him chopping vegetables or reading jokes, looking at cartoons. That’s how the ordinary mind, the egoistic mind functions. The ego is always searching for something bigger, some bigger ego. And the true sage has no ego; he is an ordinary man. He is utterly ordinary — that is his extraordinariness!

Now, this U. G. Krishnamurti missed Sri Ramana — and something great was happening. Almost like Buddha giving his flower to Mahakashyap, Sri Ramana giving a joke book to a man who is asking about God. U. G. Krishnamurti missed Ramana. Then he missed J. Krishnamurti too. He lived for years with J. Krishnamurti.

Now, J. Krishnamurti is totally different in his expression, very logical, very rational. The beginning of his work is always with the mind; then slowly slowly he leads you beyond the mind, But there U. G. Krishnamurti thought it was all abstraction, philosophy. He stopped going there because “It is all abstraction.” He left Sri Ramana because there was no philosophy. He left Krishnamurti because there was too much philosophy. In both the cases he missed.

And he lived with Sri Sivananda of Rishikesh for seven years doing yoga postures. There for seven years he thought, “Something is here.” And there was nothing! Sivananda is a very ordinary teacher. You can find dozens of them all around this country teaching people how to stand on their heads, teaching people stupid things. There he remained for seven years, became a disciple.

Now, he missed two pinnacles… and this is what goes on happening. You have a mind, a certain mind. 

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