
Suffering = More Growth?

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Does suffering in the realm of self-help equal more growth?

For example lets examine two meditation sessions.



The Temprature is 20 degrees celsius , there is a gentle breeze and a near clear sky, the ground is dry. Wears T-shirt (short sleeves). Meditates for 60 minutes.


The Temprature is 5 degrees celsius with the wind blowing, the sky is cloudy, the ground is damp. Wears a T-shirt(short sleeve) meditates for 60 minutes.



I have done both.

The former I would describe as quite pleaseant and the latter as a form of very mild torture.

It often bother me when I go outside in the cold with a jacket, and my mind is telling me not to wear the jacket, that I should wear a t-shirt so I could be colde resistence and increase my self-discpline etc.

Is suffering inherent to more growth?

Edited by Lorcan

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@Lorcan You're just hurting the body. Even Shizen Young tells you not to hurt the body while doing SdS :P 

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You need to find out very specifically what the relevant, mandatory adversity is required for you to achieve your tasks that will cause your life purpose to become a reality.  Eliminate all other adversity.  Mandatory adversity should be directed towards a greater good, and it should be bought into and premeditated.  Optional adversity is almost never good.  It is unnecessary suffering.  Life is hard enough facing mandatory adversity.  It's like studying for the test versus being all over the place with your studying.  I think Leo said strategy is about concentrating force on a point.  Well, blow through your mandatory adversity like a champ and get rid of the optional stuff.  It's kind of counter-intuitive, but personal development is like that in many respects.  Make a list of 20 types of mandatory adversity that you resolve to face everyday and review it every morning.  There's a practice I do myself.  You should know and buy-into each category of adversity you choose to face.  That way when you hit that adversity you can remind the ego that this is a category of adversity that we have decided to face.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Suffering can cause growth, although I would recommend that it be more mental than physical. If the body can survive the cold, the cold then manifests in the mind. The experience may be worse, but you come out better for it (like cold vs hot showers). I think that this parallels to Buddhism, in that you can't be completely indulgent nor completely restrictive. I believe that not wearing the jacket would give you more growth, as it would train your mind to be uncomfortable (a good thing). The extreme forms of this however, would be bad.

"Enmeshed, entangled, you..." -Lucretius

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keep in mind that suffering that you seek out and discipline through is not the same suffering. 
it is a different form of suffering.

suffering that you expect is much easier to handle 
suffering that comes out of nowhere when you're trying your hardest to go after what you want and make your life better, now that is intense, I would almost call this the ''real'' suffering but take this lightly. 

it is very tricky, but to seek suffering can be a way to run from suffering. if you can expect it hurts a lot less.this is not the case always of course
disciplining can be of benefit spiritually, I have gone through such periods as well. 



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