
Killer Technique To Get Suppressed Emotions Out

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I am so excited I found this technique.

As many of you probably know fears/suppressed emotions come from negative conditioning/experiences (that form the foundation for the negative ego), and they are all stored within your body.

I knew muscle stretching and massage could help you face them and release them sometimes (which is almost never focused on in massages ), as can happen in healing sessions sometimes, and during darshan ((eye contact) transmission from an awakened human).

But this technique completely nails getting deep emotions out properly consistently, it's quite simple and can be done with anyone that's somewhat open, sensitive and not stupid.

The technique:

-Scan the back for tense points, most people should have plenty, the muscles along the spine are usually targeted by this practitioner, but it can be done on any muscle (just be careful when pressing down hard on the front of the body in some areas or sensitive rotational areas,), but just using the back seems to be enough.

-Push/massage the muscles over the bone rather harshly, obviously talk with the partner as to what is right/endurable.

The one lying down does their best to stay with the sensation and the emotion related to it, by feeling it and by taking deep breathes.

- Comfort the person by laying your loving hand on the used area.. Go with your feelings/institution.

That's it. Optional is doing inner child therapy as described as shown in the videos.

Try at your own risk (though there shouldn't be any).

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With a good friend or practitioner you can potentially work through so many negative imprints in minutes/hours that might otherwise take years of meditation to clean (though meditation of course has other benefits as well).

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Interesting. So using this as a complement right? Because my view on suppressed emotions was that it is linked to thoughts/memories.
Resolve the thoughts/memories in the psyche and the suppressed emotions then gets released.

Edited by sgn

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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18 hours ago, AlwaysBeNice said:


With a good friend or practitioner you can potentially work through so many negative imprints in minutes/hours that might otherwise take years of meditation to clean (though meditation of course has other benefits as well).

This is an area that needs to be actively researched, using techniques like this along with psychedelics could be NUTS.

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6 hours ago, sgn said:

Interesting. So using this as a complement right? Because my view on suppressed emotions was that it is linked to thoughts/memories.
Resolve the thoughts/memories in the psyche and the suppressed emotions then gets released.

The fearful (/angry/sad) reoccurring thoughts come from suppressed emotions (memories in a sense), and they are stored in the cells and in the mind.

The body is the mind, or a reflection of it, and you can work on it from both ways.

The pressing on the tight muscles activates the suppressed feelings, and the practitioner helps (forces) the patient staying with it, in a safe space, so they can be processed.

Because what usually happens, when we feel this in meditation, we go like: 'uhh, interesting.. OOH SHIT AH (heavy feeling), OK NOT NOW', because we get scared, and want to chose the easy way out, and because we have been used to suppressing it for so long.

But it's also doable through meditation, it takes more time though generally.

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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12 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

Have you tried this out yet?  

I did for little bit on someone during a tantra workshop, but it was on the rib cage, for a rather short amount of time.

It did work though, at some point I pressed her so hard for a moment and it really hurt but then some tears cam out and the tension was gone (with her permission of course).

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Can't you do this alone? I mean I have long hands and it will be 2 in 1 yoga+massage :-D 

Dont like things that require more than one person, because they are too situational.

I often massage my spine, because it feels good and also it's a very important spot - especially near the lost tail.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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2 hours ago, Dodo said:

Can't you do this alone? I mean I have long hands and it will be 2 in 1 yoga+massage :-D 

Dont like things that require more than one person, because they are too situational.

I often massage my spine, because it feels good and also it's a very important spot - especially near the lost tail.

I don't think you'll easily get the same effect.

Aside from not feeling like pushing through, I think the power of this technique also is that someone else can clearly see you have pain and barriers, that in it self is a big thing.

How often can you tell yourself you have this trauma and this pain etc., but the moment you tell someone else you bust into tears. 

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@AlwaysBeNice  I tried it out today on my girlfriend, she lived 10 years in pain..all I can say IT WORKED!! My girlfriend feels now much more lighter in her heart. She said, it was better than any psychotherapy she had. I will do it again on her, this is so powerful.. why does nobody know about this? Thank you for sharing this technique!!

Edit: For some people out there who are interested in this technique it is called "Amanae"

Edited by OBEler

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11 hours ago, OBEler said:

@AlwaysBeNice  I tried it out today on my girlfriend, she lived 10 years in pain..all I can say IT WORKED!! My girlfriend feels now much more lighter in her heart. She said, it was better than any psychotherapy she had. I will do it again on her, this is so powerful.. why does nobody know about this? Thank you for sharing this technique!!

Edit: For some people out there who are interested in this technique it is called "Amanae"

Fuck yeah! I agree, huge potential!

Perhaps @Leo Gura can experiment and make a video? 

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It's also a really cool way to diagnose to someone that they have suppressed emotions and that they are stored in the body. 

I tried it on my bit of a macho, but nice, roommate that I don't know that well yet yesterday, he's very emotionally suppressed/in denial and not into spirituality but recently got interested into healing because of panic attacks/depression.

Sometime ago he didn't belief emotions could be stuck in the body ('it's all in the head beliefs') but yesterday we got talking about this technique, and he was willing to try it, but he didn't think there would be anything. ^ ^

The session:

Quickly we were able to many tight spots and spots that were relaxed.

He initially didn't get emotional release after the first 15 min of pressing tight spots on the lower back, logical if you are not used to being emotional or acknowledging the mind/emotions/body at all, but some of the spots in the lower back did trigger some heat and nausea and fear (he gets nausea's during a panic attack). Which wasn't comfortable but he said it was a little bit freeing to feel it.

(This confirms the lower back being (more of) a fear line).

Then we went to the heart area, a gold mine of tightness, probably for many men (holding back love/sadness).

I could press 1/6th of the pressure I used on the lower back (on which I used quite a lot of pressure), and it would get the same reaction.

I asked what the first thing was that came to mind: ''..", he was probably surprised/confused, this imagination/emotion thing was related, I asked again, 'my ex'. I figured he hadn't worked out the loss, and that there was sadness there.

We continued the pressing, I asked about how he was raised and how they taught him about crying, in combination with his memories, my compassionate talk of acknowledging the hurt and the frustration of not being allowed to cry; the wrongness of that; acknowledging the stupidity of the parents, we got some emotion out!



So, with people who are not used to being emotionally open, just pressing the muscles is often probably not enough.

Talking to them by acknowledging the pain in the most emphatic engaging sweet way you can and acknowledging the wrongness of their upbringing/situations, engaging them into using their memories and feelings, while continuously massaging the hurt spots (in bursts), which forces them to acknowledge their pain that they know you can also see, is probably one of the best and most unknown therapy methods out there.:)

Edit: The comforting relaxed loving hand on the hard massaged parts in appropriate moments is quite important too I think.

And it's also a very tangible way to show people that ALL THEIR MISERY is not based in reality, but caused by their hurt inner child.

That all their (existential) fears, their sadness, anger etc. Are not based in ultimate reality/true nature, but have their basis in negative imprints, showing individuals how accessible and real liberation is!

And the fact that is shows people how much emotional suppression they have can be a good wake up call in and of itself as well.

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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#Session 2  on my girlfriend (over 60 minutes).

In this session she said to me I should not talk so much because when she sees pictures in front of her eyes they can go away quickly when I talk to her. She needs to concentrate on her pictures/feelings. So if there was talking between us during the session, it was short and mostly about where and how I should massage her.

This time I was massaging not only the back but also the front of her body. This was very intense she said, even more than massaging the back.I pressed two fingers of each of my hand on the middle of her breast and then I slowly worked up trough her throat. She was almost crying. Almost!! 

There was an interesting fact: Her eyes were closed sometimes and then I could see how her eyes were moving constantly from left to the right like in a mechanical way. She said she saw pictures in front of her eyes of her traumatic experiences. 

After the session she went in a deep sleep for 4 hours and had nightmares. Normally she rarely has nightmares. She said this maybe comes from the session. I think these nightmares are good, because her brain want to process the traumatic experience in her dream. But this is just an assumption. Any opinion on this?

Anyway, she really likes this therapy and she said this session was really healing her. She released some bad emotions.



Edited by OBEler

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24 minutes ago, OBEler said:

#Session 2  on my girlfriend (over 60 minutes).

In this session she said to me I should not talk so much because when she sees pictures in front of her eyes they can go away quickly when I talk to her. She needs to concentrate on her pictures/feelings. So if there was talking between us during the session, it was short and mostly about where and how I should massage her.

This time I was massaging not only the back but also the front of her body. This was very intense she said, even more than massaging the back.I pressed two fingers of each of my hand on the middle of her breast and then I slowly worked up trough her throat. She was almost crying. Almost!! 

There was an interesting fact: Her eyes were closed sometimes and then I could see how her eyes were moving constantly from left to the right like in a mechanical way. She said she saw pictures in front of her eyes of her traumatic experiences. 

After the session she went in a deep sleep for 4 hours and had nightmares. Normally she rarely has nightmares. She said this maybe comes from the session. I think these nightmares are good, because her brain want to process the traumatic experience in her dream. But this is just an assumption. Any opinion on this?

Anyway, she really likes this therapy and she said this session was really healing her. She released some bad emotions.

Wonderful dude, yeah, sounds like it triggered something.


Yesterday I had a session with my cousin and had it done with myself.

I found it being interesting how despite it being painful, there's also something oddly pleasant about it, I think it's because it just feels good to get in touch with your body and the emotional feeling related to it (even if the emotional sense is baaarely there), and of course someone else seeing it without being judgmental about it.

Also some other benefits:

- I felt quite physically awake afterwards.

- I really felt quite more grounded afterwards, like after having had a really good workout. 

- I felt more confident in the body (because of the grounding sense), but also I think because some fears were triggered in the body and the body-mind knows it's still fine.

And I got some insight into my psyche/body as for some fears down in the body, and that they couldn't get out because I have a block on making sounds, (but I couldn't really make sounds there to release it), but insightful!


I notice talking to someone and acknowledging their pain is quite important to have it be effective emotionally when I do it.

But of course that depends on the person giving it and receiving it.

I'm pretty good at feeling what they have and then comforting and acknowledging it, but also being stern about it to them so they have to acknowledge it, so I could be saying something like:

'Holding it all that pain.. Having to constantly preform and prove yourself, as a little child even, for all those years.. And no one there who could look at it and help you with it..' 

And pressing it at the same time they hear it, ye, that's powerful.

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