Dan Arnautu

Have You Had Insights On Weed?

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The channel PsychedSubstance on Youtube said that contrary to popular belief, weed ca be considered a mild psychoactive substance (from the THC) and you can get deep insights depending on how developed you are and what your intent is.

I personally am a deep right brain thinker and was always more sensitive and receptive to any kind of substance (1/4 of a normal dose is usually enough to feel the full effects - although I tried only weed yet).

I feel I had some insights yesterday but that may be just wishful thinking and misinterpretation on my part. I you want I can describe the experience in case you think am not just getting ahead of myself.

What are your experiences?


Edited by Dan Arnautu

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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In my experience, I've found weed to sometimes force you to question yourself. This results in paranoia, etc but also allows you to self reflect and stop deeply ingrained negative patterns. 

Weed is also a powerful tool for clearing out tons of unnecessary stresses from your mind. This mind eraser is both a gift and a curse, because abuse of the drug makes you forget about necessary stresses as well. 

I find weed to be especially helpful after a long work week. Spark up a joint with a couple of close friends and relax. Great way to bring in the weekend and leave your industrious side behind for a little bit. Yeah, sometimes negative things will come up, and that's a time to pay attention to whatever you've gotten stuck on. 

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@hundreth I see. For me it feels much more powerful than a mild relaxation (some of the causes being that I extremely rarely take it, I have an extremely good diet and I'm not a smoker).

After I took a few hits, I got hit like a truck and I could feel sharp energy from the top of my head to the bottom. I started to meditate a bit and oh my god, it was like I was diving underwater. Energy started to amplify along my spine and almost shooting at the bottom of it. Also, I felt spears of energy running from the top to the bottom of my hands and feet. 

After I meditated for a bit I was starting to get knee jerk reactions because I was not willing to surrender and go deeper. But then, surprisingly, even though I started moving around, the energy started to amplify more and more an more to the point where I started to feel a slight dissociation with my everyday experience and all of it started to feel like some type of veil. I felt like I was about to exit my body if I just let go of the control hard enough (that may not be the case at all, but that's what it felt like to me). 

The insights I think I had were that:

- I am so not ready to surrender fully yet / I don't want to even think how reactive I would get on psychedelics --> more inner work needs to be done. Like oh my fucking god, I saw first hand that dying is x1000 times harder than I could imagine

- My life here is really goddamn short and I started to see how much importance I actually attribute to stupid shit when I take none of them with me to the grave and also how seriously I take my insecurities and imperfections -> this also made me look at my life in a more detached and amused way of how everyone is running around in hamster wheels for no reason

- I really underestimated how strong even mild substances can be. I can't even fathom on how many orders of magnitude higher 5 Meo Dmt is. I felt a really deep knowing that you can't see your true nature unless you bend over and let yourself be fucked real hard in the ass by GOD, like LITERALLY. Not just a conceptual knowing, but a real deep knowing.

- I felt for the first time something underneath my body which I can not describe. It felt unreal, indescribable, but only felt like a pat on the back from the void. I can't describe it further than that in words.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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@Captain Flint Omg, so I'm not the only one. Very glad to hear that. I thought I was just overestimating the experience and exaggerating it in my mind.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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I saw something like this while mediating after smoking a bowl of weed.





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@nightrider1435 Well, that's odd. Haha

Edited by Dan Arnautu

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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@Dan Arnautu Funny thing is I just passed it off as whatever, but a couple days later I was like wait... What the fuck happened there?? 

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18 hours ago, nightrider1435 said:

I saw something like this while mediating after smoking a bowl of weed.



Could this be related to this in some way?



In Zen, they call the ying yang symbol ox's tail and you could see it during meditation swirling by. Or, it could actually look like an ox's tail, but behaves like a grandfather's clock going tick toc - no sound though.

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@Key Elements Possibly? That image has come across my mind, and after that experience I thought yep... that picture makes more sense now. And yes everything was swirling around the center. One of the most beautiful experiences I've ever seen. 

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@Dan Arnautu @hundrethI have had enlightenment experiences on weed.  Its an etheogen, and when used spiritually can provide tremendous insights.  

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I dont want to sound as a "pot head", but I have to say that weed is beautiful substance to use for your temporary growth.

Weed can teach you to relax your body and mind and to experience the melting of concept of the time.

Best thing that weed has teached me was to follow my inner sence of energy. That was so much worthy for me. 

But weed has its limits. After 5 times I used it I no longer see that it is bringing me anything. So I no longer use wheat anymore.



@Key Elements Your Yin Yan is upside down man :D

Edited by Delinkaaaa

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I saw the no-self when I was high once, I didn't even intend to, wasn't thinking about this stuff at all. It just happened. I've had glimpses of truth too. This is all while hanging out with mates, not in a quiet setting and with no intent at the time. It's definitely possible!

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Definitely! Especially after I've done 5-meo I noticed how every time i smoke weed it takes me deeply into a self-inquiry mode!

Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡ https://bit.ly/2Ld2QOC


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Weed takes me to heaven, and I've had many insights on the substance. 

I notice how in normal state of consciousness all the beauty around me mostly keeps getting ignored.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I also get into really deep territory on weed.

Once I saw that life was like some kind of loop, every day again. I started to question wheter I could be happy if every thing stayed like this forever. I had to surrender to death and the fact that life will always stay like this inside. 

It gave me a whole new perspective. I was really panicy tho. Have to work on my anxiety that came up to. Social anxiety, it comes up every time I smoke. It shows that I sill have some blockages although I never realize it when sober.

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I've done weed quite a lot in my life and i can say Ive gained most insights on cannabis especially after my spiritual awakening everytime i got high was like i became awakened/enlightened all over again until i started to abuse it more often. Now i do it maybe 2-4 times a month and its Enlightened me all over again but when i do it more often it seems to drain that connection away and deplete/disrupt spiritual balance.

It has become like a stronger psychedelic nowadays and also became more powerful after DMT or other psychedelics but the psychedelic boost fades away although when i am more spiritually centered it does come back.

I've had rapid glimpses of ego death as well but this is when i usually am more spiritually focused and pure. Cannabis is one of the most beautiful substances when used properly and respectfully. You can learn so much from its teachings if you train yourself to tap into its roots.

I also had a time where it felt like weeks went past, i did so much, i learned and gained so much which was only few hours i couldn't not believe what just happened and how was this possible.

When you gain access to this intelligence you will see how it all works and plays out allowing you to understand how less often is better but from time to time can be used to amplify whatever you desire far ahead of most sober possibilities.

Balance <3

Edited by pluto


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fun fact: some indian ashrams secretely put cannabis into tea and offer it visitors who then think the effects have to do with the place or the guru.

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There's so much things I do that are so pointless.




What matters my beliefs and if I'm right or wrong? Really, who cares? It's so stupid and pointless, arguing and fighting over who's right and wrong.


Social Approval


Again, who the fucking cares? Those who like me or don't, what does it matter to me? It seems so worthless to be checking for approval and dwelling on validation.




I notice this emptiness that's within me. No matter what I eat, what I do, what I read, my friends, acquisitions, habits... nothing will take this emptiness out of me. Or at least, it seems like it.

It's naive to think that reading that book, having that kind of house, having that girlfriend, having that lifestyle will fix this inner issue of emptiness.

Perfectionism and eating also relate to this. I feel the urge to eat when I feel empty and I've come to the realization that my tendency to be perfect and have anything in order stems from emptiness, not being totally fulfilled. And yet, when I get everything to be perfect, I still keep looking at the thing I'm working on, like something should be added.


Life is meaningless. Yeah, I know it. So what? It's without meaning, but should that be bad?

Edited by Afonso

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5 hours ago, Afonso said:

Life is meaningless. Yeah, I know it. So what? It's without meaning, but should that be bad?

@Afonso Only if you want it to be bad. I feel some of us are starting to feel the insanity of this work, myself included. Afonso how's it going man? You doing ok? 

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