TJ Reeves

Stop Messaging Me About Where I Found 5-meo, Or How To Know If You're Ready

10 posts in this topic

 Stop messaging me about where I have found shit.

I originally wrote this to two people who recently messaged me about how to find 5-MEO-DMT. But I think it would be better to leave a public version out here to warn others. 

Here are the three reasons why the practice of messaging people on the forum about how to obtain 5-MEO and other substances needs to end immediately.

1) Why do you think I know anything?

Who the fuck am I to tell you?

This is a forum. Forums are known for having liars and cheats. Don't take anything I say seriously. Perhaps I'm making everything up.

2) You create a conspiracy

Have you heard of being accused of conspiracy? It's serious shit. 

Conspiracy is probably a more difficult charge to deal with than even a murder charge because it doesn't need very much evidence at all yet you can go to jail for just as long. 

Bobby Shmurda, the rapper who made the mega-hit "Hot N*gga" was sent to jail for conspiracy based off of song lyrics.

Every time you fools ask me about where I have found stuff, you run the risk of conspiracy.

The best part is, as one person messaged me, some of you on the forum PM me instead of asking me publicly because you're scared of going to jail -- as if PMing me is any different. 

An example from the info page on criminal-law:

"If a person agrees to help another person sell drugs and then gives that person information about or directions to where to sell or purchase certain controlled substances, then the conspiracy was complete once the first person gave directions—which constituted an act to further the agreement. The action taken does not have to be a criminal act in and of itself."

If you don't understand this, then you are not ready. 

but let's go further into what it means to be ready.

3) You fuck yourself over by making things easy

Do you understand that enlightenment is hardcore shit?

Seriously, you cannot get to the fun part before you go through the hard part. It's all a necessary part of the journey.

And by "go through the hard part," I'm talking about essentially facing your toughest inner flaws and frustrations and nearly wanting to kill yourself because it's so difficult.

One guy messaged me that his "gut tells him he's ready"... except he can't figure out how to find psychedelics like 5-MEO without messaging me, hence him asking me.

Um, No.

An integral part of the journey is figuring how to do it on your own. 

It used to be that people tied themselves to trees and danced until they dehydrated themselves nearly to death to achieve enlightenment insights. 

You pussies just have learn how to do a few google searches and visit a few seminars to figure things out before taking something painless and harmless. And yet you still complain.

The process of finding psychedelics and doing research is itself a filter for those who actually care enough to do this work. Those who are too asleep to be psychologically capable of handling the insanity of enlightenment insights are the ones who are filtered out. This is a good thing because it prevents psychosis. Only the people crazy enough to find this shit on their own are the ones crazy enough to handle it. 


If you're still wavering on doing psychedelics and have to ask people like @Leo Gura for permission on whatever it is that you have to do, then you are not ready. 

If you don't know what the difference is between an Erhlich test and a Marquis test is and how to use them, then you are not ready. 

If you are worried about the FBI, as one person messaged me, then you are not ready. 

And if, as if by magic, there seems to be some type of "wall" blocking you from finding 5-MEO, LSD, Shrooms, or anything else, as a couple of users have messaged me, then guess what? You are not ready.

There is truth to the saying that these things find you instead of you finding them.

The same goes for finding a mentor, or a place for neurofeedback training, or learning how to get a date; the problem starts with your psychology, not the external forces acting upon you -- it's actually incredibly easy to find these things once you get over your own psychological impediments toward doing so.

Overall, Don't drag me into your mess. I'm dealing with my own. 

Edited by TJ Reeves

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Not being able to find dmt and being ready are completely independent of each other.

You can be ready and also want to message people to find dmt.

Just because you live in an area that's easy to aquire dmt, doesnt mean others do.

And reaching out to people is a perfectly normal way of trying to search for dmt. All you need to do is download a crypto messaging system and communicate over there. It actually means you are ready, otherwise you wouldnt be reaching out in the first place.

Edited by electroBeam

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This forum (and the PM system) should definitely *not* be for figuring out where to acquire drugs in my opinion. There are plenty of more appropriate places on the internet to reach out, just be creative and use google.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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On 6/6/2017 at 11:05 PM, electroBeam said:

Not being able to find dmt and being ready are completely independent of each other.

You can be ready and also want to message people to find dmt.

Just because you live in an area that's easy to aquire dmt, doesnt mean others do.

And reaching out to people is a perfectly normal way of trying to search for dmt. All you need to do is download a crypto messaging system and communicate over there. It actually means you are ready, otherwise you wouldnt be reaching out in the first place.

This is not something you can conclude logically my friend. But there is a lot of truth to "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". I cannot describe how many times this came true to me through just random synchronicities. :)

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On 07/06/2017 at 3:19 AM, TJ Reeves said:

 Stop messaging me about where I have found shit.


While we're at it, stop messaging me on how to:

Find weird anime porn;
Give up binge drinking;
Shield head from alien probing;
Pick locks in the dark;
Escape from incarceration.

If you need to ask, then you are not ready.


Edited by jse

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Really it's not that hard finding it through a simple but to the point Google search.

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2 minutes ago, K VIL said:

but where can i find it broo i looked already.

You must not be reading then. It's right there. :| If you can't find it then you shouldn't even bother, cause you need to do much more than just buy it in order to stay safe. Research, and read read read!

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This forum is not for discussing such things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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