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How To Take Action !

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I'm starting to see that I'm just watching videos for the sake of making me feel better when I feel like shit.

I meditate, exercise, eat well, write music but I don't take any real action on stuff I learn. What is taking action? 

I regularly write down insights that I get from meditation about myself (root causes to my pain, behaviour patterns). Is this taking action? 

I need examples on what taking action actually is. So far I just think about what I've learnt. How do I take action and avoid being a self-help junkie?

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You need clearly defined goals to take action on. What are your goals?

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I have a similar problem. I don't know what the next step to take is, and it seems like I'm not good enough to pursue higher level goals yet. I think we need to clearly depict where we are right now, then see where we would like to improve.

"Enmeshed, entangled, you..." -Lucretius

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Do this exercise: Make 3 lists on 3 pieces of paper: 1. "things I'll get", 2. "things I've given up", and 3. a list of "ground rules".  Start there.  Go somewhere like the park to do this work.  Stay for a few hours.  Do some soul searching and visualization there.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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You have to get the insight on what you need to do next.

Just meditate a lot on that, it will come by itself, then stick to it.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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