
Trip Report: 5 Grams Of Shrooms + 5 Grams Of Syrian Rue = 10 Hours Of "enlightenment"

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Hi Guys! 

I became more of a reader than a writer in this little community, but the experience I had while combining these two psychedelics was extremely unexpected and remarkable. I need to communicate this to you. Please keep an open mind while reading this, i promise to keep it as short as possible.

What did I take?

5 gramms cracker -dry shrooms (regular cubensis), a nice dose by itself

5 gramms of syrian rue seeds, made into a tea, one hour before the shrooms. This is a legal plant you can buy everywhere. Psychoactive by itself, natural anti-depressant, MAO-Inhibitor (Please google that stuff before trying anything! Research is a must here).

Previous experiences:

I did this combination before, 3 gramms of shrooms + 3 gramms of rue. It was roughly comparable to a "regular" shrooms trip, a bit more mellow and clear, but came in "shockwaves" of mind boggling intensity which left me laughting, screaming and speechless at the same time, basically an insane rollercoaster ride of insights, feelings, emotions, love. A great experience overall which lasted 12 hours total, and much stronger than a regular 3 gramm dose of shrooms would have been (tried it, same batch).


Actual report:

Ambitiously, i upped the dose to 5gr/5gr. Online reports suggested that all hell would brake loose on me. The come-up was totally normal, the energy boiled up in me, everything was as you would expect it to be at the beginning of a heavy dose. I was meditating as always, exited and a little scared, ready to face the first crushing wave of psychedelic mindfuck, or whatever the shrooms wanted me to see. My mind was going increasingly wild, lots of visuals etc.


Then, Nothingness happend.


I went back to baseline. The usual effects of the drugs almost completely disappeared, and my mind was totally silent. I felt complete! bliss and peacefulness, but not in a drug-induced way, but one that was unmistakably grounded in reality. PLEASE notice: I was able to think perfectly straight, pretty much acted and felt like a sober person, but all that monkey-mind was utterly crushed. I was super aware of everything that was going on. All my concepts and ideologies where thrown out of the window, for good, I was unable to even access them. This was awesome beyond belief, and I instinctively knew: Iam enlightended! Please, dont get me wrong: This was not a conceptual idea, I did not even think about enlightenment for days before this experience. I just knew that this is the real deal. I kept on meditating for 5 hours straight, only going to the toilet once in a while, feeling totally in sync with the universe. I looked up into the sky the whole time, feeling the connection and closeness to... everything. I was physically unable to create deeper concepts and forced to live in the now.

The next five hours, I wandered trough a huge, beautiful graveyard with my tripsitter. It was... heartbreaking. You cant imagine the beauty of nature if you are unable to make concepts of it! I felt in love with the beauty of trees in the sunset, my tripsitter, and myself, over and over again. We had deep and insightful conversations, with complete ego-less talk, at least on my side. What a difference! I was here. in the now, with a direct connection to "God" (=nothingness), with no signs of a regular "Trip" at all.



To keep it short, the drugs wore off (sure they did), but I still feel the effects today (Two weeks after), truly life-changing stuff. I finally know what it physically feels like to be "Awake" and in the now. I keep practicing this state, especially when surrounded by people, chaos, and life. This is the real work! Meditating when going on with daily life was never more possible for me. I no longer feel that I am this person writing here, and totally fine with it. I "chase" after every little glimpse of this enlightened state, whenever I can. Monkey Mind is back, but life has become a lot better (while staying the same, curiously).


This description does not give credit to the experience. At all. But sharing seemed appropriate.


Have a wonderful weekend guys.


Edited by Franz

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@Franz Ah yes, the infamous Psilohuasca. I hear it's comparable to 5-meo in depth. But gotta be careful and observe the MAOI diet for it to be safe.

Thanks for sharing.

How did you manage your diet for before and after the trip?

Did the rue give you nausea or anything like that?

I am interested in finding a good alternative to 5-meo, because 5-meo is so rare most people cannot access it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 6/4/2017 at 8:16 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Franz Ah yes, the infamous Psilohuasca. I hear it's comparable to 5-meo in depth. But gotta be careful and observe the MAOI diet for it to be safe.

Thanks for sharing.

How did you manage your diet for before and after the trip?

Did the rue give you nausea or anything like that?

I am interested in finding a good alternative to 5-meo, because 5-meo is so rare most people cannot access it.

@Leo Gura He Leo!

I dont have access to 5-meo so far, so I wont compare the two.

Yes, the MAOI Diet needs to be followed, especially if someone is not eating plant-based anyway, like I do. I am recommending this site here, great info on psychedelics of all sorts:  Staying away from all "Uppers" like Alkohol, Caffeine, MDMA etc. is also highly recommended. I suffered no side effects (like headaches).

I did not eat anything 12 hours before and after the experience, exept a few Apples. The syrian rue will kill your hunger for a good amout of time anyway. If one is not willing to fast that long, something like rice or fruits is totally fine, but keep your stomach emty right before ingesting the Tea and shrooms.

The rue tea will induce moderate to unbearable nausea, depending on how strong your stomach is.  There is no real way to avoid this. My Tripsitter puked her brains out trying a 3.5 gramm tea the other day, so watch out. My stomach felt quite a bit sick for the first two hours, but due to the psychedelic effects, i barely payed attention to it.

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@Franz Interesting...

Yeah, I don't like methods of administration which involve puking. Wonder if there's any workaround for that.

Also, not eating for 24 hours seems hardcore.

Might try it one day.

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@Leo Gura

Drinking the tea more often, without shrooms on regular days, kinda helped to get over the repulsive (but bareable) taste and made me less and less sensitive to its nauseating effect. Plus, I enjoy the subtle tranquilizing state it induces, awesome for meditation or reading. 

I just dont eat more than 1-2 fruits in the morning, take the Psilohuasca at noon, and wont be hungry again until midnight (at least), maybe even the next day. No good if you want to bulk up ;)

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