
I Have Crohn's Disease

44 posts in this topic

I have Crohn's Disease. Who else can relate to me on this disease? Any diet suggestions? Activities? Alternative medicine that I can use of? Thanks much!

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@egoeimai Hope you don't have it. I'm a nurse. I was diagnosed of it by a gastroentorologist. He had me the colonoscopy and have some sample tissue on my intestine. My intestines were inflammed most of the time. Average diarrhea I have per day is 4 to 5. A lot of diet restrictions I follow. Stomach cramps is also linked with this every day.

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check out dr john bergman and dr robert morse, youtube or books.

forget western medicine. they treat only syptoms, never go to root cause. they will give u drugs that lower youre immunity when you should try to boost youre immunity and organ functions.

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have you checked out yet? I'm sure you can find some interesting information there..  It's true, most of western medicine only treats the symptoms, not attacking the problem at the root cause! Dr. Greger is all about grabbing the bull by its horn ;)

I hope it helps:) 

whatever arises, love that

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@Richard Alpert Great to know that you I'm not the only one aware with this kind of disease. Do you have Crohn's disease as I have or anyone you know close to you to have this? If yes, what things did you do to resolve this from diet, activities, restrictions, etc,. Thanks for this! :)

"Wake up."

-- God

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10 hours ago, PretentiousHuman said:

@phoenix666 Great to know that you I'm not the only one aware with this kind of disease. Do you have Crohn's disease as I have or anyone you know close to you to have this? If yes, what things did you do to resolve this from diet, activities, restrictions, etc,. Thanks for this! B|

I don't have Chron's disease, but I'm a med student and I am very interested in the gastrointestinal tract, gut flora and nutrition ;) there are a lot of new studies going on and I think the approach modern medicine is working with will have to change. 

I didn't have any particular health issue, but one and a half year ago I started following Dr. Greger's advice and I've been feeling great doing so! Much more energy, better physical performance  and generally just feeling amazing. I also did some blood-tests in summer (I've always been a little anemic and I was afraid of not getting enough iron on a plant based diet) and everything was perfect. :)

Good luck with your disease...Chron's is still kind of a mystery to medicine..this makes treating the root cause very difficult. But it's probably a mix of genetics, autoimmune disease, inflammation and nutrition. A plant based diet can help with all of that. I can recommend you reading 'How not to die' by Michael Greger, excellent book :)

Edited by phoenix666

whatever arises, love that

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Start by addressing the causes in your life.  Majority of diseases that humanity has are lifestyle choices. Retrospect back on your life. Where does your lifestyle backfire?:

1. Smoker ? Alcohol drinker? Coffee drinker? 

2. Excess animal food? ( meat, dairy, eggs, ) 

3. Excess sugar? ( includes fruit sugar, honey, agave, pasta, pizza, pastry.....) 

4. lack of exercise? ( 5 times of week minimum) Heavy weight lifting and high heart pounding aerobic exercise. 

5.  Stress at work? stress at home?  bad relationship? 

6. Polluted water source, living close to highway, power plants, coal mines.....

the list goes on and on and on.......

Start treating symptoms first before you include "superfoods" and ultraffoods for hundreds of dollalrs.  


Once you have identified causes , what can you do?  Become your own doctor, take your health 100% in your own hands!

Re-starting your immune system

Look into Juice Fasting and Enema cleansing to give your immune system a "restart" and boost. Don't blend,  Juice !! No fruits, only vegetables, seaweeds and a lot of fluids. Hold your nose if it tastes bad or add Stevia. No sugar. Get a decent cold pressed juicer ( not blender and not centrifuge juicer).

Enema will help cleanse your intestinal tract like nothing else. It is not a usual method and a bit uncomfortable the first time so make sure to use some oil with it( coconut, olive)  :) to help "get it in." Majority of docs will not recommend this as it doesn't earn money.

Be prepared for symptoms of serious detox ( headaches, swinging moods, cramps, lack of energy) those are all symptoms of detoxifying, you might feel like shit before you get better. 

* NO ANIMAL FOOD during this phase



  Do your homework and research before you fast or try enemas as there are many aspects to consider.  

Heal Yourself 101 from Markus Rothkranz is a great source of incredible information. 


Other things you can do if you don't like the idea of fasting

1.  Raw plant based diet, preferably vegetables, small amounts of fruit, seaweeds , seeds and little nuts ( grinded, soaked). Don't worry about protein, you'll get enough of it. 

2. Exercise - you know the benefits. 

3. take sauna for detox ( ideally infrared if you can) , daily. 

4. Don't touch animal food during your cleanse phase. 

5. Avoid all shit food - many threads have been opened on this forum discussing this. 






Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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22 hours ago, PretentiousHuman said:

Average diarrhea I have per day is 4 to 5.

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12 hours ago, PretentiousHuman said:

@Richard Alpert Great to know that you I'm not the only one aware with this kind of disease. Do you have Crohn's disease as I have or anyone you know close to you to have this? If yes, what things did you do to resolve this from diet, activities, restrictions, etc,. Thanks for this! :)

i got diagnosed by irritable bowel syndrome about 8 years ago. thiis and chrons are very common diseases nowadays, because all the added chemicals in the food and environment (there are shit on your tooth brush, deodorant, tap water. basically everything unless you use all organic)

i had to educate myself and learn all by myself, doctors are fucking idiots like i said. they live in the matrix and are puppets. Look into detox and fasting, this could help you in a very short time. Im pretty good nowadays, but i will be making detox and fasting more. i been on/off intermitted fasting and have done like easy 7-14 clenses. but i will try juice fasting and few day water fast in near future. plus i would be curious to do a colonic.

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Start by addressing the causes in your life.  Majority of diseases that humanity has are lifestyle choices. Retrospect back on your life. Where does your lifestyle backfire?:

1. Smoker ? Alcohol drinker? Coffee drinker? 

2. Excess animal food? ( meat, dairy, eggs, ) 

3. Excess sugar? ( includes fruit sugar, honey, agave, pasta, pizza, pastry.....) 

4. lack of exercise? ( 5 times of week minimum) Heavy weight lifting and high heart pounding aerobic exercise. 

5.  Stress at work? stress at home?  bad relationship? 

6. Polluted water source, living close to highway, power plants, coal mines.....

the list goes on and on and on.......

Start treating symptoms first before you include "superfoods" and ultraffoods for hundreds of dollalrs.  


Once you have identified causes , what can you do?  Become your own doctor, take your health 100% in your own hands!

Re-starting your immune system

Look into Juice Fasting and Enema cleansing to give your immune system a "restart" and boost. Don't blend,  Juice !! No fruits, only vegetables, seaweeds and a lot of fluids. Hold your nose if it tastes bad or add Stevia. No sugar. Get a decent cold pressed juicer ( not blender and not centrifuge juicer).

Enema will help cleanse your intestinal tract like nothing else. It is not a usual method and a bit uncomfortable the first time so make sure to use some oil with it( coconut, olive)  :) to help "get it in." Majority of docs will not recommend this as it doesn't earn money.

Be prepared for symptoms of serious detox ( headaches, swinging moods, cramps, lack of energy) those are all symptoms of detoxifying, you might feel like shit before you get better. 

* NO ANIMAL FOOD during this phase



  Do your homework and research before you fast or try enemas as there are many aspects to consider.  

Heal Yourself 101 from Markus Rothkranz is a great source of incredible information. 


Other things you can do if you don't like the idea of fasting

1.  Raw plant based diet, preferably vegetables, small amounts of fruit, seaweeds , seeds and little nuts ( grinded, soaked). Don't worry about protein, you'll get enough of it. 

2. Exercise - you know the benefits. 

3. take sauna for detox ( ideally infrared if you can) , daily. 

4. Don't touch animal food during your cleanse phase. 

5. Avoid all shit food - many threads have been opened on this forum discussing this. 






I like almost all of what you said.

the thing that bothers me is that some people who know about detox say a) dont use  fruits but b) some naturopaths advices to go high on greens and fruits when cleanse, for example Morse, he is all about fruit. And as far as i have understand quickest detox is water fast, second is fruit fast (faster to digest than vegetables). im confused as fuck with this one

Edited by Richard Alpert

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@Richard Alpert generally whenever person has certain disease, it is advisable that they get of the sugar as much as they can. Glucose, the final product of carb digestion promotes sickness and contributes to acidic environment of organism in which most viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, (you name it)..thrive. Fruit sugar is no different.  For a healthy individual a rational portion of fruit per day is absolutely fine. 

From what I've researched and observed during my fasting, the veggie juicing cleans  the fastest and you don't get the insuline spike you would get from juicing fruits ( fiber in skin that is thrashed during juicing slows this down so fruit is better blended whole). Combine it with some seaweeds like Chlorella powder of supplement and you have the complete Vitamin-Minearal Spectrum as well as all Amino Acids and essential fats. 

Many experts promote Frutarianism, other are against is a mess of opinions. We have to organise the data ourselves and find whatever works for us. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@phoenix666 I'm a nurse by the way. Thanks for sharing your story Doc. Hehe. Yes definitely I will check those videos and will be following your diet suggestions. Good luck to me on this journey!

"Wake up."

-- God

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@Michael569 Wow! I was moved by all of your suggestions. I will try these one by one and will be mindful of the foods I will ingesting. Thanks much for this info. I've been running before but because I was too busy I haven't got any time doing it now. Bless you heart!

"Wake up."

-- God

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@Prabhaker Thanks for the suggested supplements. I will try to purchased these in the future to see the benefits. 

"Wake up."

-- God

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@Richard Alpert How long have you had the gastro issue? Could you give me the specifics and details about your practices on fasting, diets and juice. I had never met anyone who has almost the same case as I have until in this forum. I am seeing myself getting better just like you did. Thanks! :)

"Wake up."

-- God

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Just now, PretentiousHuman said:

I will try to purchased these in the future to see the benefits. 

These Ayurvedic medicines are very famous in India, they have no side effects. These medicines will not only give you immediate relief but permanently treat your disease, if you take them regularly.

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@Prabhaker Are all of these medicines herbal, fruits and vegetables only found in India? Do they have any practices that I can apply? 

"Wake up."

-- God

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