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Dealing With Emptiness

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I recently got some good mindfulness and am able to watch my thoughts, and therefore take all significance out of them.

However, now I feel empty inside. There is nothing I look forward to, nothing I am excited about, and the feeling of 'presence' starts to feel very empty and boring. All my 'visions' or 'dreams' about my future are now just insignificant thoughts.

I have sudden urges to fill the emptiness with movies, porn, music, food, Facebook, etc. but it is not working anymore and I still feel empty. (it is kinda working for a bit actually and then I feel guilty for disturbing my mindfulness - it is hard to explain but I think you guys will get it).

I feel like I am on the right track and its part of the 'dark sides of meditation' as Leo mentioned, but I am just making sure. How long will this phase last? I need someone to re-validate my progress.

P.S. I created this post also out of a feeling of emptiness. Just sitting down and nothing is happening in my mind, so I typed this post to get some feedback and to have at least something going on.

Edited by john5170

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You can still do whatever the hell you want within reality. All your dreams are still actionable.

You have an infinite playground at your disposal. What else could you possibly ask for? You have been given EVERYTHING! And still you want something more?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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