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(retreat) Love: Practice Makes The Master

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Last weekend my wife and I spent 3 days in Austin at the first ever "Love: practice makes the master" retreat with Aubrey Marcus and Christine Hassler. Aubrey is a regular guest on Joe Rogan's podcast, a well known psychonaut, and owner of Onnit. Christine has also been on Rogan's show but is less well known than Aubrey, maybe bc she specializes in women. There were around 25 people total, a lot of couples, but also some people who are in relationships but their partner didn't come, and several who were single. The first day focused on self love, the second on romantic love, and the third on community. All in all it was a very difficult and uncomfortable experience but I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go . A few things it did for me are - made me much more comfortable speaking in front of a group, made me much more open with strangers about my feelings, opened a line of communication between my wife and I like we've never had before (been together for 7yrs), made me realize how important and moving prolonged eye contact with higher consciousness individuals can be, and just a kind of general opening of the heart feeling. We both left there on cloud 9 and during the 5hr drive home had some of the most open and meaningful conversations we ever had. I should note that we didn't go to this because we were having problems, we're just both big fans of the teachers and knew we'd gain something from it. Also I wanted to mention, the first night we did a shamanic breathing exercise and my consciousness left my body for a few minutes, so that was cool. All in all I have to give this retreat a 9/10, although I've never done anything like it before and have nothing to judge against. It was well worth the money and time spent. If they ever do another one we'll likely go again. 

Edited by ChimpBrain

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