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All You Have To Do Is Just Be...

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I came to this conclusion while rolling. It's literally that simple... but at the same time pretty damn difficult. It was easy to see how much I avoid just being during my peak. It's actually quite funny, when in that state of pure love, happiness, bliss, my ego was constantly on the move to be doing something. Whether it be gritting my teeth, resisting through my body, repeating the same tasks over and over again like opening and closing my laptop, fridge, pantry, running around in circles basically. Why is that I asked? Because we're not content with just straight being yet... haha. So I'm like a fucking bowling ball tumbling through this big hallway of mirrors still trying to seek stuff out. Why though? Anything we try to seek out is already right here right fucking now! I think I am done seeking but only time will tell. It's pretty damn easy to become unconscious of this again, but I'm pretty sure I saw the fork in the road. We are just being, and that is all!

Edited by nightrider1435

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Just done a walking meditation of 1 hour, everytime I was perfectly still, the monkey mind striked instantly like a woman who didn't have an orgasm in a year.

That was literally that hardcore.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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The end of seeking comes before the end of ego, and the end of ego before the end of resistance. Be open to what the world ahows you, learn from and you should be golden.

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@Shin This monkey mind can't stand stillness! But now I have a better sense of direction when I mediate.

@Paintballer The end of ego before resistance? Hmmmm... I would think it would be the other way around but I'm open to that.

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