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Leo's Post "the Ultimate Simulation" - Explains Mushroom Experience

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I do not even know where to start.  It this post  racked something open inside of me which I was too afraid of to acknowledge. 

I had a 3G mushroom trip after 10 days of fasting and realized exactly what Leo's  post is about. But at that time I could not realize it and bring it back to my normal understanding. I experienced exactly that: I am all of it, infinity, there is no outside or inside no other no self... It has been going on forever and will ever continue. Going into that experience three years ago, totally unprepared on a spiritual level, left me frightened and in constant worried I might fall into that void again. 

But this blog-post gave me some kind of instant enlightenment I think. But honestly I have no idea. Everything is so quiet now. Peaceful, I had to cry. 

I had been thinking a long time about the implications of this trip. But nothing clicked except for this one simple blog post. For me it explained everything so beautifully. 

Thank you Leo for all of your work. It is unmeasurably valuable. I guess I needed all your former input to get this realization. 


Where does this realization take me? I think it will take the edge off. I am always too serious. Thinking there was something to achieve in terms of personal development. But it's all it anyways. I can feel so much love radiating through me, reality is just .... god. But really there is no word it. But for me the first that comes to mind is god. 


Somehow its it's also painful to think from this true selves point of view. Nothing exists outside of me. Others are really me and I have to experience all the beauty and pain of the world. All the madness and all the ignorance....

I think that's the understanding which underlies true compassion. 


Somehow the spiritual path seems the only available option for. Everything else would be active denial. There is no going back. 


I just hope Leo is not only talking from delusioned phsychedelic mind to another?  

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1 hour ago, Lauritz said:

Somehow the spiritual path seems the only available option for. Everything else would be active denial. There is no going back. 

For you there is no going back, others may stay in denial a while longer and that is perfectly fine too.

Many people have had these experiences without ever touching psychedelics. Blaming the drugs is a good way to stay in denial for a little longer. It works (for a while)!

Creating existence and denying ones own essence is the amusement part of Nothingness. Just imagine you are the infinitively creative nothingness  (which we are) wouldn't we create any experience, be it good or bad, when we knew it wouldn't change us in any way? How do humans behave while playing GTA? Does it get boring quicker when you have all the cheats and power in the world?

Just be aware that your path is (probably) not finished yet. Enlightenment is not having "experienced" the absolute. A better pointer is accepting everything as it is on a moment to moment basis. Just be brutally honest with yourself.

When we allow everything to be as it is we are as close as possible to our true nature while immersed in the human experience. Nothingness allows everything to be as it is. Everything is as it is. Look around, everything is as it is.

But for now, just enjoy the moment.

Edited by No-Thing

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19 minutes ago, No-Thing said:

Just be aware that your path is (probably) not finished yet. Enlightenment is not having "experienced" the absolute. A better pointer is accepting everything as it is on a moment to moment basis. Just be brutally honest with yourself.

When we allow everything to be as it is we are as close as possible to our true nature while immersed in the human experience. Nothingness allows everything to be as it is. Everything is as it is. Look around, everything is as it is.

But for now, just enjoy the moment.

Thanks for your post. I know, my journey has just yet begun. 

I am still afraid to experience that absolute truth again. It felt like too much knowledge was revealed at once. But maybe after three years it's time again to take a look into psychedelics. But sober life is so beautiful, I do not want to go anywhere.

I am practicing all day awareness or awareness of the senses throughout the day. As much as I can. And it helps to stay present and without judgement. Trying to focus on everything at once silences the mind because it is so demanding. At least at first. 

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