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Am I Self Actualised Yet??

9 posts in this topic

Have a superior perception of reality — they see things in an objective, accepting way without intruding themselves upon what is being perceived. It could be that each level of consciousness is essential so how can walking be superior to crawling?? They just are..

Have an increased acceptance of self, others, and nature.  I think so.. I fight sometimes the situation that happen around me but I guess I am starting to accept them and realise without them I get nothing at all..

Have increased spontaneity in behavior — they can be unpredictable and outrageous. Im getting more reserved.. the more I am becoming aware the more introverted i am getting.. not obeying the social law and being a bit of an outcast sooo. i spose I am not normal according to social rules..

Are more focused on the problem than themselves.?? I am the problems.. all the problems I have ever had are generated by me..I do like it to be 100% responsible but I am..

Have increased detachment and desire for privacy. Well yeah I spose.. I dont think I care much about what other think of me.. take me or leave me.. its all g

Have increased autonomy and sense of individuality — take full responsibility for how their lives unfold. Well, i understand its all me but I do still indulge in blaming the situation .. i have a fair ways to go there..

Are resistant to social conditioning. World-citizens not beholden to any one culture. Pick and choose what they like from culture. We all do that already.. that really a question of are you aware of your social conditioning. i think i am. im sure Im still learning every day..

Are comfortable being themselves even if that means being unpopular. I would not say I am 100% comfortable with being an outcast.. because we are part of the same system. so i realise that I have a roll to play and that we both affect each other so I am conscious of our connection and at the same time dont disregard the rest of the world..

Have a good sense of what is real and unreal. Value truth and facts over beliefs. No way.. I know very little.. I have no idea what is real.. I think truth is so reletive its probably just not worth it.. all I know is right now.. i dont know why, how . it just is.. and even that is shakey.. I figure if its a thought or perception its probably not real or totally real.. its a best a really rough sketch..

Have great freshness of appreciation and richness of emotional reaction. Our mind has soooo many lil emotions. that have evolved over eons!!! Its amazing tho think how closley related emotions are to primitive life forms from millions of years ago and how those emotional responses where passed down in DNA and culture..

Have higher frequency of peak experiences. Being in flow state more often. No probably not..

Have an increased identification with the human species. Hahaha sometimes I am more identified with a rock than other humans ... No I feel less of a human and more of a physical being..

Have improved interpersonal relationships. Less enemies I spose. But I find people are so involved in there own lil story that I dont have much to contribute..

Have a more democratic character structure. Not sure what this means.

Have greatly increased creativeness. NO

Have a deep knowledge of themselves. Hahaha NO I feel i realsie how deep I am and that I am no way near that. like ive found out how deep I go standing at the edge looking down..

Are constantly moving toward unity and integration of their personality and world view. I think i really understand that I am one with everything and that all effects all but I still have total control of my choices. although I dont feel I have deeply embodied this..

Are actively nurturing their talents. I dont fully understand all my strengths and weaknesses. as they are relative to the current moment.. I think I am doing the best I can..

Place great value on truth, beauty, goodness, uniqueness, wholeness, justice, simplicity, richness, effortlessness, and playfulness. truth , beauty, goodness,justice?? is there anysuch thing.. what could be more beautiful than the way things are?? seriously?? is this really not enough?? I think effortless and playfullness are signs you doing it right.. 

Are driven by positive, intrinsic motivation, not by lack. I still have some unlearning to do here.. i get there is abundance but I have not totally embodied that yet.

Generally enjoy most aspects of life, not just achievement, triumph, or peak experiences. Im as happy as a pig in poo just sitting, just waking up is pretty cool..

Take pleasure in functioning at their prime. Prime suggest some kind of plan or greater good.. there may only be the plan of just experience.. Let the world goto shit if ya want.. does it really matter..??

Take a non-valuing, non-judging, non-interfering, non-condemning attitude towards others. If my arm got cancer, so be it.. I can only do the best I can.. so too for people with their views.. we are all trying to do the best we can.. how could I know that what Iam doing is any better than the next person.. besides where all affecting each other..

Are more loving. They need love less but are able to give love more. Hmmm. I feel less love and affection but want less too. Its more like I know secretly that person is going through there own experience and thats cool.. I cant judge.. If thats love then I have a tonne of it..

Embrace conceptual dichotomies, polarities, and conflicts by fusing, transcending, or resolving. Are comfortable with paradox, contradiction, and not knowing. I think so..I realise there are some thing in this expression of life that we cant know and it ok because it also gives us greater options.. We are free to do quite allot of stuff.. with freedom come not knowing the future..

Have desires and impulses that correlate with what's good for them. hahahaha, nope,, I dont 100% know whats good for my body or mind.. how can you.. I do the best I can with my current knowledge , but again there lots i dont understand about how I work. its a progressive thing..

Have solid psychological health. Again... what the hell is that.. lets just say Im wandering around exploring what that could be.. i think those who know are pretty closed off and unhealthy in some ways.. Like they know something..

Live on purpose with a sense of mission. Work is a precious cause. For me it feels more like exploring around.. again mission implies you know what is good or bad..

Involved in improving the world. Why?? whats wrong with the world?? If you want to goto heaven where its perfect.. go!! No ones stopping you..

Willing to admit and correct mistakes. hahaha. again I dont know much, and glad i dont..

Have an easy self-discipline which comes hard to average people. Duty and pleasure are the same. HMM. not sure about this.. I cant really push myself in directions I dont want to go.. Im not sure of the difference of what can be done or what should be done..



Thoughts suggestions??

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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"am I self actualized yet" 


yeah but look theres area over there where you can self actualize now! isn't this exciting! 


notice what you got so far. notice also, that it is not all things :) don't let Leo bully you into forcing yourself to grow when you're happy with what growth you've made ;) if you want to improve, then self-actualize. if you feel satisfied letting go of self-actualization once you reach so much growth from it, that's completely ok. 

Edited by alyra

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I think self-actualization is more like a process than a destination.  If you think you've arrived, you missed the point.  There is always an improvement you can make to remove some obstacle or perform some optimization to your life.  There is a positive change you can always identify and shore-up with some kind of infrastructure to improve the results of your life.  That optimization process, strategically implemented is self-actualization.  Self-actualization is a lifestyle more than it is a definition.  It's an attitude towards optimizing your own life.  So, none of us are self-actualized.  We all sit at different points in 3-dimensional vector-space away from a common origin point, and our vectors are all pointing in different directions.  That's what a static snapshot looks like.  The question is, how do we strategically change our coordinates to optimize our own vector as it currently sits.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Will I personally don't think self-actualization has a destination. It is simply a lifestyle made up of health and constant improvement of yourself and your life, as you help others. If there was any legitimate goal to all of this work, in my opinion it would be peace on earth.

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@Ry4n Peace on earth i believe is just a crap as wanting a nice car or to be wealthy.. Im pretty sure the big picture does not need peace. I would have thought most people here would have already got that this existance is heavily dependant on polarities and to get rid of one i.e. bad, gets rid of the other good.. SOOOO.. probably a better idea to just giv up the bulshit idea of peace and good ect and just concentrate on the work of experiencing and exploring ourselves..

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