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Is This A Sign Of A Dying Ego Or Just Maturing In General Or Perhaps The Reverse?

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Currently, I'm 19 and have noticed a number of major changes in my personality traits over the past 2 years.

But more recently when discussing controversial topics it appears that I no longer feel as if I can bother to argue points across in such a way that I feel I know what's true so others opinions hold little meaning regardless, or perhaps this is just an evolving ego as I'm not surrendering to others opinions? 

What are your thoughts on this?

Edited by Rocky

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It certainly seems maturing to me

Edited by Sevi
A bit of grammar practice?

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@Rocky Not being compelled to argue or debate is a good sign of wisdom. Keep growing further.

You don't need to surrender to others opinions. You just need to start inquiring into reality for yourself in a deeply, brutally self-honest manner.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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