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Whats next after disidentifying with thought? I no longer feel as if im looking out like a cone as Leo says in one of his videos. How close, or far is this from enlightenment? 

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@tarek1945 people will come up with crazy ideas about enlightenment, but the core work is purification.

observe how you create your own suffering by being egoist and use meditation to let go of craving, possession, control, anger, jealously, impatience, avarice and luxury. these impulses are strengthened by thoughts of an undisciplined mind.

life will feel very pleasant after your purification. this is enlightenment: true peace of heart.

of course, enlightenment is not something you do in your bedroom. it requires a complete shift of lifestyle, as you'll see in a few months from now.

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya Great reply thanks. I find my mind is always wanting to think of those things, will definitley try what you suggested.

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Now you get a healthy diet, you stop the addictions that takes you most of your time and replace that by more time spent in nature/meditation, and you just be.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin Already nailed diet and dont really have any addictions, most if not all of my wasted time is my mind trying to think of a better place in the future which distracts me massively, like ajastya said they are thoughts of an undisciplined mind so thats what i need to solve, thanks for the reply.

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@tarek1945 Not so fast! You've only scratched 1mm into the surface.

Are you conscious of what you are? What are you?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I genuinley dont know what i am, dont feel im body or any other sort of form. When i do try and see what i am i dont know if right or wrong. Will i just know when in right?

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@Leo Gura Also cant not reply without mentioning how much all your free videos have helped me!

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Invest in self-awareness  and knowledge. What's the hurry for enlightenment! 

Does it matter right now? I don't think.  

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Loreena No hurry was just curious & what do you mean exactly when you say self awareness? 

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Just now, tarek1945 said:

@Loreena No hurry was just curious & what do you mean exactly when you say self awareness? 

Do self-inquiry. Self observation.  Increase your awareness level with meditation. Like Leo said,  you're just 1mm into the  surface.  You aren't there yet.  You have to get deeper before you can think of enlightenment.  There's so much to explore through meditation and other techniques.  This forum will be useful to you.  You'll find a lot of techniques here.  Read my thread about high consciousness.  I'll come back with the link in a moment.  

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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5 minutes ago, tarek1945 said:

@Loreena I will thanks for your help.

Ha.  This is the link 



  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@tarek1945 There is no next step. You are already here.


Look at how the mind reacts when you read these words. It will come up with all kinds of excuses like that's not really helpful. I have to do something etc etc. But the next step is really the biggest illusion and also the most subtle one.

Sit down and watch the thoughts. And let the sensations in the body come and go. Your already here. This is it..

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Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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35 minutes ago, RichardY said:

@ajasatya Purification. Like towards the end of the Movie Braveheart? "Pleasant, yes?"

no. towards complete responsibility for one's own health.

unborn Truth

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21 hours ago, ajasatya said:

@tarek1945 people will come up with crazy ideas about enlightenment, but the core work is purification.

observe how you create your own suffering by being egoist and use meditation to let go of craving, possession, control, anger, jealously, impatience, avarice and luxury. these impulses are strengthened by thoughts of an undisciplined mind.

life will feel very pleasant after your purification. this is enlightenment: true peace of heart.

of course, enlightenment is not something you do in your bedroom. it requires a complete shift of lifestyle, as you'll see in a few months from now.

No it doesnt, it just means you have to desbelief your thoughts. thats it

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