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Lp Values Keep Changing

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Hey guys,

I've got 10 values that I have discovered through Leo's life purpose course, but for some reason, my love or connection with them/my enthusiasm for them alternate throughout the day. Sometimes I can be real inspired by my value of beauty, and will feel like making a video game that takes people there, etc. And sometimes I wont care about beauty at all, and my value of order will kick in, and I'll start feeling really really connected with order, and making a very ordered, holistic, complex project, like a factory or something.

Are values suppose to change in intensity? Is your enthusiasm for your values meant to alternate? Or is that a sign that your values are inauthentic

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@electroBeam Of course all 10 values are not actively at the top of your mind 24/7.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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