
Coffee .. Good Or Bad

25 posts in this topic

How much cups of coffee per day gives benefits to

1) adolescents

2) Adults

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(imo) Caffeine is for stage orange(Graves model is popular here) and below people who think they need to force themselves to do things. Raising your consciousness is a more effective and healthy way to gain more energy in your life. 

Caffeine can give you a good energy upkick, but there is also always a low.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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What goes up must come down, the crash is real.  I personally am somewhat addicted to coffee, previously i would take caffeine pills way to often.  Then i went on an energy drink binge.  Be careful this crap is addicting, i am sure my heart hates me.  I want to be caffeine free.  As far as your question, i think one cup per day is benefitial if you drink it black.  Sorry i am not exactly answering. 

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Like everything it depends on multiple factors if something is healthy.

Coffee has some great upsides but some downsides too. 


Sure thing: you can only enjoy the benefits of coffee if the beans are freshly grinded. 

If you're searching for a healthy bean make sure it's organic. 


Other things that influence the quality of the bean:

-Type of bean

-Roast type and roast date 


Some other things that determine whether you're benefiting from drinking coffee or not:

-Ammount of coffee you drink 

-Moment of drinking 

-Physical state you're in (i wouldn't suggest coffee when you have stressed adrenals) 


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Zero. Rather get enough sleep and eat healthy. ;)

"The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom." -- Nisargadatta Maharaj

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I try and drink a lot of tea! Green tea is my favorite. 

I can't believe myself sometimes. 

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Coffee is pretty good for you as it has anti-oxidants and such.  The problem is consuming regular amounts of caffeine isn't ideal, but if you are like most people and are addicted to regular caffeine consumption (me included) then drink up buddy and don't worry much about it.  Consuming caffeine regularly is definitely not optimal living but it shouldn't be a major concern.  I'm sure there are much more important negative habits you should focus on breaking.

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I Drink a cup of Coffee daily. But then again, I exercise daily too. Run at least 10K or some other physical activity.

Being very active, I don't drink the coffee for the energy it gives me, but mostly because I enjoy sitting in my office with a delicious cup of coffee. However, I do believe that drinking it each day has gotten me to the point of starting to get addicted, since when I'm on my way to work I look forward for that moment.

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The reason I stopped drinking coffee is this mental addiction of consuming something nice, for pleasure. So every single day I would wait for this cup of coffee as if it's my saviour. I had also physical addiction to it, but that was much lower than the psychological one. It would drain my focus, because I would often think of my coffee that I want to get.

So the issue is more on the psychological side, than physiological, I think. But that's me.


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former (i hope it will last) hard drug addict here. couldn't give up coffee.

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Coffee seems to help your cells to get rid of "waste":

"Epidemiological studies and clinical trials revealed that chronic consumption coffee is associated with the inhibition of several metabolic diseases as well as reduction in overall and cause-specific mortality. We show that both natural and decaffeinated brands of coffee similarly rapidly trigger autophagy in mice."



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Yeah, it's not so simple that thing x is good/bad because it's natural/external/psychoactive. Things can be beneficial for health even if they also can be harmful to health. It depends. But I think that scientific research has shown that coffee consumption is not a huge issue if you're not extra-sensitive to caffeine, which then can lead to adverse effects when consumed excessively (which can be surprisingly low amount for those who react powerfully to caffeine). So if you don't feel it causes any problems I think it's pretty safe, although it could be interesting to have a few weeks without consuming any caffeine (or any other drugs for that matter) just to get to feel how addicted you really are to all these chemicals and how it feels to be without them. It might give some new insights and perspectives to the questions like why to use such drugs, are there more beneficial than adverse effects, is there too high risks etc.

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It's so worth the time and energy! I highly do say yes!!! Be aware of the energy it give you and be happy with it or with out it! 

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What if your not addicted to caffeine and don't turn to it for an energy boost. I just Enjoy coffee and don't feel like it's a compulsive behaviour. As with anything, balance is key. :)

'The end of fear is the beginning of all wisdom'

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I agree with the balance, I drink also one cup in the morning, not as an energizer, but like just to drink something warm while I'm reading news and checking what I have to do during the day. It can be tea also, I wouldn't mind as I'm not addicted, but for my metabolism coffee is better.

I was caffeine free one period, but it slowed down my metabolism, this way when I drink a lot of water in the morning and coffee it's much better. And, also once upon a time I was addicted like 3 cups per day, but I broke down my addiction.

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Its not that bad in moderation, no need to be neurotic about it :)

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For most people it is a bad thing, just because its addictive and most dont know how to use it. If someone use it daily without replenishing minerals and not countering acid in coffee then its even more 'evile'. Sure if you use it like a medicine like once every week its have benefits iven beside energy spike. But taking it daily thorough day can destroy you, damage your energy levels and even health by making your sleep really hard and not resting.

I  think  95% of people  know about the need to use  lemon balm, they dont know that as much as it have benefit of spike energy, it can lower NORMAL levels of energy, and if used daily it dont even give benefits of 'first time use'

As a kid a lot of you remember how awaking in morning was amazing and refreshing, you had energy. If you gone use coffee daily  you most likely lose that.

1) adolescents OMG NO !



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I recently quitted caffeine for the second time in my life. I am sure I was addicted, because after first break, when I drank the first one I wanted more and more. One day I drank 5 cups. And my bowels stopped working without it. Now I am regaining bowel movements.

Not worth it, I give coffee 3/10. Better drink chicory or chocolate (as xocolatl). The latter also wakes you up ;) (capsaicin + flavonoids + really tiny amounts of caffeine). Also as mentioned green tea that doesn't dehydrate you.

Edited by appleaurorae

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    I quite enjoy dark chocolate. It can be a good replacement for coffee, as it does give a slight energy boost. Also, from my experience if you only eat 2-3 small squares of it (I'm a sensitive fella, so maybe you'd be able to handle more) there's no crash. Dark chocolate has theobromine. "Theobromine has a similar effect than caffeine, but about 10 times weaker. Theobromine has diuretic, stimulant and relaxing effects. Theobromine can lower the blood pressure because it can to dilate blood vessels.
Theobromine has stimulant properties, similar to caffeine. Unlike caffeine theobromine does not affect the central nervous system. 
Theobromine can also relax bronchi muscles in the lungs. Theobromine can be used as cough medicine. Studies indicate that theobromine acts on the vagus nerve, which runs from the lungs to the brain. " (source http://www.phytochemicals.info/phytochemicals/theobromine.php

Edited by The Village Idiot

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