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No Interest In Social Life Become A Monk Is An Option?

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I know that in the long run nothing external will bring happiness\fulfillment so i want to pursue enlightenment. I want to hear you'r opinions. Thank you!

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@Marianitozz that's what i did. but if you're interested in what "others" think about it, then you're not ready yet. just start by living like a monk. becoming an ordered monk is something else.

unborn Truth

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You can pursue things that are external. Just don't be attached to them. Do things you love and turn it into a life purpose. Your thoughts are coming from the nothingness - the oneness. It will tell you what you love to do when you do self-inquiry. Becoming a monk is not the only option. But, if that's what you want, go for it. If you tried being a temporary monk and don't like it, your life purpose is a backup, and not all monestaries are the same.

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Go for it, let us know how it goes.

Memento Mori

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5 hours ago, Marianitozz said:

No Interest In Social Life Become A Monk Is An Option?

Who will give you food, clothes and shelter ?

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There are many good communes, ashrams, and monasteries all over the world. Where you can devote your life completely to spirituality, if that's your desire.

It's all a matter of figuring out for yourself what the hell you want out of your life.

Why are you alive? What do you care about?

Get clear and then take action. Enormous courage will always be required to follow your truest path.

If you are young, and you don't have a family to support or a big career or business to maintain, then you've got very little to lose. You can afford to be bold. Now is the best time. You can always return back to your old, crap lifestyle.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I have began to give material away. I am selfless i always give more than i have. Example i had a necklace a freind said she liked it i said do you want it and i gave it to her.. Warms my heart when she wears it... We dont need to be monks only walk in the light of.

Be yourself. 

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30 minutes ago, SLICKHAWK said:

I have began to give material away.

Let the things be as it is. Who are you to renounce ? In the very idea of renouncing, you accept one thing, that it belongs to you. How can you renounce something which does not belong to you?

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@SLICKHAWK You'll never have 90 Rolls Royces with that attitude. ;)


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura i'm a little bit afraid to go in a monastery 'cuz i freak out when i meditate my whole body start to shake.. :/

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@SLICKHAWK You'll never have 90 Rolls Royces with that attitude. ;)


I do not need. I have everything. I found myself love. Thank you for the support. 

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On 5/30/2017 at 7:00 PM, Prabhaker said:

Let the things be as it is. Who are you to renounce ? In the very idea of renouncing, you accept one thing, that it belongs to you. How can you renounce something which does not belong to you?

I did not renounce. I was given this gift the day before. Another liked it so i said no in my mind first and then let go knowing everything is borrowed never given.  Thank you. I value your input. 

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