
How To Do Kundalini Yoga

3 posts in this topic

Anyone have some good programs or videos on how to do kundalini yoga?

Please tell me also what experience you have had with it and what it has done for you :)

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Hi Paan

I'm a Kundalini Yoga student since almost 6 years now. I also did several teacher trainings. KY found me after I was finishing up several years of psycho analysis and had hit a plateau with that. Being an analytical person by nature the analytic work surely helped me to build the ability to reflect, but I was ready for more. While I went back to university to study psychology because I wanted that background, for my personal development, Kundalini Yoga was the entry ticket.

In Sweden I would attend a seminar or better yet, training with Guru Dass or Guru Dharam.

If you want to buy a Dvd you might start with Gurmukh, also her book "the 8 human talents" would be a good start. There is a lot on YouTube of course but I'm not comfortable with recommending anything since I don't follow it and hence don't know whats good and not.

I higly recommend finding a teacher in your area and go to a class before you start working at home. Better yet, I myself would start with a full-on retreat to get the whole experience. You might check out 3ho, which is the Kundalini umbrella organisation.

What it did for me (in no particular order)

  • It made me realize that I was more or less holding my breath all my life. So I'm learning to breathe and as a result my depressive phases became less
  • strengthend my ability to commit (for ex. to do the same meditation for 40 days, 90, 120 or 1000)
  • taught me (the hard way) my limits (hello, complex of overachieving)
  • helped me to get rid of my food addiction, sports addiction, alcohol addiction and codepency. And will probably cure numerous more I don't even know yet I have  :) . I personally did Sat Dharams "Beyond Addiction" Immersion program 3 times already and will continue to do so.
  • I found access to my emotions
  • sensing energies in buildings, countries, groups... 
  • made me open to other techniques like holotropic breathing, energy work, vipassana, etc.
  • sharpened my Intuition and continues to futher sharpening it
  • I'm more authentic in relationships and communication
  • I found access to my divine feminine :)
  • and so much more!

Try it! It's just one oy many techniques you may try of course, but it will change your life.

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Best is obviously an in person class in your city. But as far as online goes, I'd check out a YouTube channel named Kimilla.

She's a certified KY teacher and is very good at what she does. Definitely can help you release negative blockages. It won't be easy though, her sessions usually push you.



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