
Just Remember That

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Every people that are living their passion and sharing it with the world loves you, more than you can ever imagine.
Every seeker past a certain point don't seek for themselves anymore, they do it for you, anyone of them loves you.
Every enlightened people who awakened on the level of heart loves you, more than themselves.

Even people that are totally inconscious loves you, they are just afraid of it, ultimately they do want to love you, they just can't at their present awareness level.
You love yourself more than 10 000 sexual orgasms combined, you will realize this, in the meantime, just know we all love you :)

Everytime you feel lost or lonely, think about that.
Face the loneliness or sadness instead of running from it.
You might find something very important hidden in it.

Something no one can teach you, not even Jesus fucking Chris.




Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin That's awesome and I love you Shin! 

So now we have Jesus Christ, Craig Christ, and Jesus Chris? The universe really is expanding.

It is as you say. It's all LOVE, flowing through. Resisted here and there, allowed here and there, and experienced as such. 




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