Stoica Doru

The Law Of Attraction

3 posts in this topic

What do you think about it? Have you managed to use it? I recently started reading Neale's "Conversation with God" volumes , and I'm also doing some investigation as to how this basic principle works. Some say, Teal Swan included, that the Law of Attraction is the first law in the universe, example being the fact that some yogis, monks or whoever it may be, which have an increased counciousness, can even levitate as long as they change their universal constructs and beliefs, defeating gravity, which is below this primordial law. 


Edited by Stoica Doru

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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The belief of a limit, IS the limit itself.

Funny thing is, even enlightened people have strong beliefs of what can or can't be done.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin Dude, ''enlightened people'' is contradictory. They're no longer individuals. Spiritual crusade - I'm doing it right. But, yeah, as long as you believe that you're a loser, for example, regarding women or money, you're going to attract that negative vibe, and you'll manage to manifest the reality correspondent to that belief. As Neale Walsch said :''God cannot say no''. 

Change your pulsation, and you're going to become a magnet for whatever you may call ''good'' or ''evil'' circumstances, depending on the manifestation sent towards The Whole.

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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