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What Can I Do About My Sugar Intake?

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Today, I tried to stop eating refined sugar foods. Half way through the day, I felt like I would die if I didn't have a sweet, so I indulged until I felt full and a little sick. This is a cycle I am most familiar with. I just can't handle giving it up. The truth is you should have less than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day, according to WHO. I am pretty sure I consume 4 times, 5 times, 6 times that amount. 

I know I can't mutilate myself like that. What can I do about my worst addiction?

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I had a similar problem in my early twenties, where I just could not shake the sweets. I started experimenting with different kinds of fruit as a substitute! After, incorporating those fruits in my diet, it made it easier to say no to those bad sugars. I would still have cravings, but over time those cravings for those sugars became less and less!

Edited by sheenp24

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@eskwire that's actually a good video by @Siim Land he really dug in to the technical reasoning behind it! I've never thought of sugar to have that effect. So, @siim land, you're basically saying that sugar blocks the reuptake of dopamine? That makes perfect sense, the sugar molecules are able to enter gated channels mainly designed for the entry of neurotransmitters. Sugar blocks the reuptake of dopamine, leaving excessive amounts of the neurotransmitter between the pre-synaptic and post-synaptic terminals between nerve cells, causing them to continuously fire producing a temporary euphoric state. I studied Psychopharmacology in college we only discussed the affects of drugs on the nervous system! Wow, that makes perfect sense and I never thought about it that way! Good stuff!

Edited by sheenp24

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@sheenp24 Suga is a drug!!! ? Great explanation btw. That was very clear.


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I had the same problem. What Sheen said worked for me very well. Treat it like a drug  addiction. Be aware you are dealing with a few days of withdrawal. Eat fruit to ease the withdrawal and keep you sugar habit away. It's worth it!!!

Edited by Nahm



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Thank you very much,

I am going to give up on refined products, I just have to get past the withdrawal period >.< 

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The reason you crave sugar is because your body is sending signals that there is a famine. It does this when glucose in the blood surges quickly from carbohydrate intake, then drops off like a tonne of bricks. The only way to resolve your cravings is to stimulate the hormone leptin, the satiety hormone. Keeping Insulin low is the key. And how do you do that? EAT  FAT. 

Read up on Nutritional Ketosis. 


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