Hungry for Truth

Subconscious Work Vs Conscious Work

4 posts in this topic

Hello everyone  :) 

In the spiritual path our main focus is to make the unconscious, conscious. So, where does the subconscious work falls? If we reprogram ourselves with new thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas, SELF IMAGE, aren't we just conditioning ourselves to new unconscious patterns? I wonder why Leo stopped talking about the subconscious work after focusing on enlightenment. People like Bentinho Massaro have me doubtful. He claims to be liberated, but also uses belief systems to manifest, which is conditioning himself and disorting his perception of reality. How can one be enlightened and conditioned at the same time? I understand visualization and repetition of actions to create new neuro-pathways, but what about the subconscious work? Enlighten me on this my brothers & sisters.

Edited by Hungry for Truth

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There is no real difference between unconscious and subconscious but if I were to draw a distinction between the two I would call unconscious things that we would never be conscious of and subconscious are the shadowy impulses that are on the edge of conscious. By our conscious  work we hope to leave impressions on our unconscious habituation so that eventually they become reflexive impulses that rise from our subconscious and could be considered our new habits.

There are undoubtedly plenty of spiritualists who present contradictory ideas that often get explained as a paradox of the illusion. As well as the inconsistent logic gets explained away that rationality cannot fully understand spirituality. I can agree that the abstract is difficult to describe but it seems those reasonings get abused in avoiding the doublespeak.

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@Hungry for Truth it's being unknowingly conditioned and having negative emotions that are not understood, vs seeing that everything is one giant causation and using that causation purposefully to obtain what one desires for their happiness.




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I would like that @Leo Guracould answer this in detail not only for me, but for everyone in here to avoid confusion. :) 

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