
Why Pop Other Peoples Bubbles?

21 posts in this topic

Hey guys,

I am a little drunk. otherwise I would probably find reasons to not write. I mean, I don't know if you exist, so why bother?

Anyway. I am facing the problem that I am pretty deep into this shit and I don't know how to relate with other people anymore. How can I play an act when I see their ignorance staring into my face?

Also, why should we educate other people? You are probably too deep to go back anyway, but why should we destroy other peoples dreams.

Ok let's get real. This is an amusement park we created for ourselves. Thinking it is real is like most of the fun. Why would we want to change that. Yeah, things get messy but absolutely that doesn't matter ...

I am facing the problem that I am so obsessed with it, that I find it hard to pretend and not to shake 'em and scream, "Wake up".

I know, I know I am not fully there yet. My ego can't fathom it yet. It is me, ME it is fucking ME!! ME is nothing. ME is no self they are actually talking about me. It is actually real. I read this stuff for years but only now I grasp it. It is terrifying. But I know it is the truth. It is home. It is your mother. It is your womb. Is it ME YOU I.

So my question to you/me, "should we burst each others bubbles? Should we teach?"

I know there is no right or wrong. But maybe you have a perspective that can help my ego for a couple of days.

Cheers, sweet dreams... 


Edited by No-Thing

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You teach by being authentic and present.

Don't try to teach directly to people that do not ask,  it can only works if they want it themselves.
If this is a real dream/vision of yours, then there is only one way, realizing your true nature and start to teach from this place.


How can I play an act when I see their ignorance staring into my face?

You were as ignorant as them, so realize that and start getting some compassion/understanding.
That does not mean you have to fake anything, but don't be surprised by their inconsciousness, it's just how it is.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Just take Leo's life purpose course and if teaching turns out to be your purpose or one of your highest values, then teach, otherwise just chill. 

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@Shrek_Of_Justice I get where you are coming from. Just chill is probably the best advice ever given, but there is no life purpose. Being is your life purpose.


Imagine. You are playing a game with your buds. You dim the lights and tell stories. Everybody is immersed and plays his role. And then, you jump up, turn on the lights and scream, it is just a game guys! it's all fake, it's not real. "ahhh dave, shut the fuck up man we were just so into it." why would you want to do that?

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@No-Thing There is no why, it just happens :-)

Why does a tree grow leaves?

Why do ants build hills?

Why do humans wear pants?

Sure, you can give some superficial descriptions or explanations, but if you keep questioning those arguments, there will be no fundamental basis to anything. Ultimately, with the whole actualization thing, I feel like you just end up doing what feels authentic to you. Why? Idk man.

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@Shrek_Of_Justice You are so right, man. You always say this wise shit when I am at this stage of the game and freak out. I love playing with you :-)

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@Snick thanks man! I haven't seen it from that way before.

But it is really fucking scary right? And it really sucks right? Like, it's all their fault right?


How am I doing?

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Follow the heart.

But as you continue in your practice, you will see that 'shaking them awake' is actually still meaning you trying to shake yourself awake, and when you awaken more and more, people will effortlessly fall in love with you and you will do a great job at teaching by example.

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@AlwaysBeNice  Yes, projection is your/my teacher.


I got drunk tonight and wrote here because, fuck it's all me, I am all alone here playing with myself. At my first awaking experience, I said to my girlfriend, "so it is over, we can't play anymore?". We/I am like a kid. We create this experience for ourselfs because we are bored of infinity/nothing/everything. Hell, I don't don't know I am you, you are me. There is nowhere to turn to, it is all me.

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No, not because we're bored. You are bored and desperate for truth, and that's understandable, that's God calling you.

You can talk and think about this stuff all day: why, and how, but no answer will satisfy you.

You need to learn to feel again, purge the conditioning that's suppressing your child like bliss. 

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Also, if you did proper self-developement work/Shadow work, you know how hard and frightening this work can be.

They don't even know that it's possible to do this, they either think it's a hippie stupid childish thing, or  that you just want to looks cooler to be above them (of course they do, they only know the ego paradigm).

How could you be anything that compassionate with that in mind ?
If you can't feel compassion and if you feel the need to impose your worldview on other (even if in your mind it's for helping them), then you didn't transcend your mind.

All you talk about being one and cool shit like that, these are just concepts in your head, concepts are nice to know what you need to do (or not do), but that's all they can do.
Having nice concepts in your mind about the world and spirituality does not make you a better person, it is irrelevant, it is all about if you embody and live from this place.

The only reason you can feel superior to others is because you still think there is others, which is simply factually false.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Snick Yes that is what I realised in my awakening and it TERRIFIES me! I am especially being terrified by the infinity part. I am alone forever and ever and ever. I see God like a little child playing with him self, playing hide and seek and I AM fucking that! I can be ignorant for little whiles but I currently oscillate around this black void and I have no idea how long I can keep it up. I know I need to go into that fear but I am so fucking scared that this is real it is actually real! I can't believe it.

You are me! Haha I love you.

Game is over guys. Switch on the lights.

Edited by No-Thing

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I don't know if I need to cry or laugh ...

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3 hours ago, Snick said:

Important! Nothing ever happens really. Everything is a zero sum game! Why? Because it's just a VERY sopisiticated illusion. God is all there is. God never becomes more or less. God create his little illusion for himself. God is fooling himself into believe he is all those characters. 


it's an illusion but it's also reality  
nothing happens but everything happens.  
I am you, but I am not you
paradoxes are fully part of reality, can we manage to, with our third eye, be aware of and see 2 or more different contradictory truths at the same time?

and understand that they're not divided by their contradiction, but that they are in harmony within each other, for the universe is able to hold different realities at the same time, and these realities interact with each other

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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On 5/26/2017 at 5:45 PM, No-Thing said:

@AlwaysBeNice  Yes, projection is your/my teacher.


I got drunk tonight and wrote here because, fuck it's --- -- (make believe), I am --- --- ---   (make believe) playing with --   (make believe) . At my first awaking experience, I said to my girlfriend, "so it is over, we can't play anymore?".  ---- like a kid. We create this --- --- ourselVESs because we are bored (nonsense) (make believe) of woo/woo/woo. Hell, I don't don't know I am -----*self evidently false*  , you are ---  *self evidently false*. There is ---- to --- to, it is --- --.(make believe)

What a complete mixed up of make believe 




Nothing /something


None of that applies to anything. .you were just tripping.


something tell me, these sockpuppet accounts (such as this no-thing) are created by the same person, to get confirmation bias from **others**.

Edited by SarahFernandes

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On 5/27/2017 at 10:08 AM, Nahm said:

@No-Thing  It will happen any way, and denying the nature is fruitless. 

Denying what? People don't even have a sense of having nature in themselves,let alone "being nature " which doesnt make any sense

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On 5/27/2017 at 8:27 AM, Arkandeus said:

●it's an illusion but ---- -- (nonsense, there is no "but" if it's illusion, automatically can't be real)
nothing happens -- ---- ---.  (No "but" Nonsense, if nothing in the world happened, nothing would be happening,.simply as that, would be total silence)
----- but I am not you (If I am not you, then I am not you, correct, the first sentence is nonsense)
paradoxes are --- part of ---

(Paradoxes aren't part of anything, paradoxes are created by people, and each person has their own, 

can we manage to, with our third eye, be aware of and see 2 or more different contradictory truths at the same time?

and understand that they're not divided by their contradiction, but that they are in harmony within each other (self evidently false), for the universe is able to hold different realities (huh?) at the same time, and these realities interact with each other (huh?)


Edited by SarahFernandes

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