
Are All Negative Emotions, Like Anger, Jealousy, Sadness, Just All Illusions Made By The Ego?

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Are all negative emotions, like anger, jealousy, sadness, just all illusions made by the ego? I think Leo once said that our default emotions are all the way of bliss, happiness etc. And to all the videos of Leo, what are the top 5 successful ways to fend off such negative emotions? :)

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All negative emotions stems from the lack of understanding of who you really are.

Take anger, why would you be anger at anything ?
If a situation happens, it happens, ends of the story. If someone acts as an asshole, he's acting as an asshole because he's one, ends of the story.
The only reason why you can feel anger is because you reject the present moment as it is, and would want something else, but it can't be, what happens now is what you get, no matter how much you would like something else.

Jealousy is a funny one.
If it's about material success like money, possessions and status, or even physical appareance, it's all about the fact that you really don't get how and why happiness can only come from the inside out. External success is hollow, it if was a real thing, there wouldn't be so much suicide and drug users among hollywood stars, and there wouldn't be that many scandals about CEO/Politicians being total jerks either.
It's really easy to see that it's stupid, you just need to take a day off and doing nothing else than walking in a forest, and meditate/being aware in total silence, see how much happier over any of your typical habits you can experience with absolutely nothing. Not so many people can experience that though, first the idea seems silly, and even if they do it, they'll experience heavy loneliness/anguish and their monkey mind won't even let them enjoy a minute of silence.
If it jealousy about your bf/gf, it's very similar to what I talked above, because what you call a relationship is actually a "property game", not a real relationship. There can't be any jealousy in an authentic relationship, because both people aren't needy and let the other be totally free.
That doesn't mean you can't agree on some boundaries (sex exclusivity or not, intimacy exclusivity or not), but once they are set, you really don't give a shit about what your partner do when you're not together.

Sadness, well sadness is mostly related by the denial of the present moment. Of course if some of your relatives/close friends dies, you will be sad (you can't prevent attachement, except if you're enlightened), but every other "reasons" to be sad are self-created.
There is no reason to be sad about anything, the only reason you could be sad about something is if you thought it would make you happy (nothing can except yourself), or that you thought it was a part of your identity (which doesn't even exist).


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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4 hours ago, PretentiousHuman said:

Are all negative emotions, like anger, jealousy, sadness, just all illusions made by the ego? 

All emotions R emotions.

But what drives them is the ego. Behind an emotion lies a belief made by the ego . 

And it goes like this:


And emotion comes from a belief which the ego  has created.?

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Emotions aren't  inherently negative or positive but how we react to the emotions stirred up inside us can help or hinder what we seek to accomplish.

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@PretentiousHuman Just?

Your body and your car are also illusions. Reality is also an illusion. So calling something "just an illusion" is tricky. For you, these illusions are very real. In the same way that a nightmare feels very real when you're in it.

Negative emotions are exactly what they are. What's required is becoming fully conscious of what they really are vs what you think they are. These are two totally different things. And learning why negative emotions arise, and how they arise, takes a lot of inner work and contemplation. That's what's necessary to become free of them.

It's not about fending them off. It's about understanding the root of what they are and why the arise in the first place.

A good place to start is to sit down and ask yourself:

  • What is anger?
  • What is fear?
  • What is sadness?
  • Why do they arise?
  • What functional role do they serve in me?
  • What would it take to not feel them?
  • What would it take to be free of them?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@PretentiousHuman You have negative emotions because you are choosing your thoughts and in denial that you are choosing your thoughts. You are perpetuating negative thoughts and procrastinating choosing one' side you actually enjoy. Reality follows. Allow time for momentum to build. When the universe shows you and by showing you asks "Are you sure", be sure.




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I think emotions need to be treated as the realest thing ever, and perhaps they are the most real in the relative world, they are certainly the most enjoyable, even sadness is beautiful if it isn't suppressed.

The stuck suppressed emotions are what has birthed the negative ego and I belief all the suffering in life.

The mind through the negative ego is already used to suppressing them (through the energy of denial: creating the masks; arrogant or shy), because it was told to not express them, but you ARE an emotional being, so you had to pretend you weren't by acting like the surrounding egos.

So be aware that that fear isn't using the spiritual ego card on you, 'I am beyond it, I am this feeling of consciousness, not my body/emotions', even Ramana said that self-inquiry is about feeling the sense of yourself.

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