
Dropping Out Of High-school.

22 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Dan Arnautu said:


A high-school dropout is ineligible for 90% of jobs in America.

A high-school graduate’s lifetime income is 50 to 100% higher than a non-graduate’s.

Until you get even close to your goal, what are you gonna do? Do you have a 1 month, 5 month, 12 month, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year plan for what you are gonna do after you drop out?

Ok, so barely anyone will hire you. Now what? Start a business? Let's hope you get enough to sustain yourself before investing at least 2 years of time and money into it, while not considering the fact that your business has a very high (90%) chance of falling flat on it's face (look up the numbers, I'm not saying these from the top of my head).

Or do you think your parents will care for all your needs once you drop out? They will most likely send you to work and guess what? You don't even have a high school degree and nobody will hire you.

You are free to do what you want. You are just looking here for permission and validation. If that's what you really wanna do, do it, but you won't have the right to complain later if it doesn't work out.

I see.

This is a fair enough reason to stay in school. So I can half-ass school right? As long as I pass? I am assuming so because you said earlier.

In which case, I will not drop out of school.

However I will conduct myself with a "work to rule" policy through my next 2 years attendance of it because I must learn other stuff that is relevant to my life purpose. I want to spend as little as time possible on school-related tom foolery.

Thank you to all. I have received some very good advice here.

Edited by Lorcan

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I was in a really similar situation to yours, a couple of years back.  I found that this approach does not work for me. 

I thought school was holding me off from actualizing and eventually stopping me from developing new skills that are going to be essential for my career in the future. But it wasn't. It was just clear victim mentality all along. You see, when we're talking about actualizing and actually mastering yourself, school can actually be one of the best tools you can find out there. There are so many situations in school, you might feel "negative" emotions. And in being aware of them, and applying what you learned from books, you can actually gain an understanding of what works and what doesn't. It can also reveal to you the truth of your "actualization" and the fact, that you haven't actually improved that much. This, I think was the main reason I wanted to run away from the life I had. As the Zen proverb says:


" You'll find the way in whispers of truth which you experience in your own everyday life.".

Even if you can't directly read books when in school, simply practice mindfulness and awareness. 

In my life, I have greatly shifted from theoretical knowledge to simply being and becoming aware and mindful through the course of my daily life. And this has shifted my psyche greatly. 

Also realize, that you can't always learn everything at home that you can in school. Take advantages of that. I do realize that school is sometimes a major time waste, since it may not align with your learning style. I am in the same situation. But I am also aware that that's how it is and I can't really change it, so it's no longer a problem with me. Quitting school in most cases is just dumb, especially if you have no follow up plan. What are you thinking of doing if your life purpose shifts to another direction?  So what I started to do, is just take advantage of all of the time I have. This has forced me to develop quite strict daily routines, but It's fine. Plus, during the holidays (especially summer) I have realized there is much free time, especially if you're not working or keeping your socializing to a minimum. This extra time, for now, is enough for me to do everything that I want to do.

I also would argue, that basic high school education gives you an excellent foundation on everything revolving around you, which is the main reason why I got so interested in even what I considered "boring" before. Everything is life. That foundation is something you're going to be building upon and could give you an understanding of life and help you in your journey of self - actualization.

And if you study hard, you will learn your own unique learning styles and what works for you. And that, as you probably have guessed, could be important in the future.

Edited by IndependantKouhai

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