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30 Mins Of Self-inquiry, Holy Shit!!!

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First, I tried to answer what is Nothingness?:

1. I can't because it is simply nothing.

2. Impossible because all thoughts and and answers are just labels and pointing to something-ness.

3. The question doesn't really make sense, because questions itself are just words created by thoughts. 


Second, I tried to answer who am I? then lot chit chats happening , rationalization that I am my body , my brain etc. 

But my question really pointing out to the 'sense of self', not really to the physically body so it just flash me back when Im trying to answer What is Nothingness? So the sense of self is totally an illusion, and what is called your True Self cannot be questions or answered because it is simply Nothingness. And the most interesting that  came to me  was that , for a second I can see my arms and legs moving by  itself same thing when I see a table -there is no sense of self attached on it. It's freaky you know, but after a minute here I am back again.

note:sorry for my English:)


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