
Still Wavering On Psilocybin

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Hey guys, I have a question

I've never done any psychedelics before, and I was planning to do it sometime soon.

For the last year I've been doing a great deal of meditation and growing, and finally found a place where I can get some psilocybin mushrooms (I'm aiming at starting with 3/4g), but for the last year alone I've been dealing with some unexpected stuff from my meditation: 

This idea of having glimpses of what enlightment could be like and ask for some advices on how to handle is hard, so I'll keep short and it will be probably better understood by some of the folks who have some exp and it might sound very far out to others. 

So here we go -

So far, I had at least two or three of these "thought I arrived" experiences, like visuals, or seeing everyone as you or detaching from thoughts, but noticing them too. And I was a bit sad that it didn't stood afterwards. That was fine, except one time I really had to work my way back to the ego because I was too afraid of not wanting to do anything anymore and the second time was very positive. For the second time, even though it was very short, I had this amazing vision of being on the top of the world, looking at the earth as though it was all flat and self contained and I really exausted my mind because I couldn't control my body or think that I was thinking any thought, althought I heard my voice saying "Thank you" multiple times.

This was amazing and it defenitely changed something on how I aproached this work, but a few months later I had a crash and any attempt to reacreate that meditation setting became very (very) challenging. Recently when I meditate for long periods of time, I deal with some of the dark side in between intervals (when not doing meditation).

Now I'm wondering "should I give myself a brake for a while and do the trip or should I wait and sort that out, putting the trip on hold for a while?". I keep in mind that whatever needs to be sorted out in my meditation will have to be faced anyways.

Logicly I was always told to never do mushrooms unless you're all fine and sure, but...

Thanks (-:

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The plain reality of psychedelics is that you NEVER know what you'll get next. Every trip is different. You gotta go into it with some bravery and optimism. If you can't muster that, then hold off until you can. If you're feeling depressed, wait till it passes.

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Mushrooms are rather soft and a good entry point. I was not blown away by my shroom experience, and they taste really horrible and disgusting.

On shrooms, I was mentally myself, but i saw stuff in my vision melt, like crystal clear as if it was real. It was strange, but there was no drunkenness or highness as with other drugs. I could read fine, i was visiting a forum then and replying to some post, but the text was melting down the screen as i read it. The visions didn't mean anything to me, it was just mildly entertaining, and i could still read the melting text as it was going down. It was a totally mundane forum post, nothing spiritual, and it was to the point for those reading it, nothing strange to it.

Some things were very exaggerated, there was this dude eating near me, and it was disgusting. The guy grew in size and became monstrous, the smell of his pasta was disgusting and overpowering everything, and the sound of his smacking and swallowing was like a music concert so loud. It was the most disgusting thing i ever experienced, so i put on some mp3 music and closed my eyes for a while. :D 
I knew it was exaggerated by the drug, but it was so real, like sober-real, the grotesqueness of his eating, it made me sick to my stomach until i had some music (goa music works well for psychedelics).

I had fractals, like the images you see about psychedelics on the internet.  when i closed my eyes and listened to music, mostly following the sound of the music. But i can have that when sober to, like when meditating, so it was not so surprising.

For me, i remembered mostly that for me mushrooms have almost zero impact on my thinking. It's like i'm still me, but stuff around isn't as i'm used to. Weed or alcohol alter my senses and thoughts in various ways. But with mushrooms, I just see and hear stuff, like it is really there, and i'm fully sober and normally thinking and in control. I did not do lots of it, nor did i try LSD or DMT, so it may be that my dose was just very low, i'm not an experienced psychonaut.

I'd say try it, its not so intense, try a low dose, see how it feels. On the other hand, i do not believe psychedelics really give spiritual insight. It's more just entertaining sounds/visions. Perhaps stronger doses, or doing it in a spiritual setting can make a difference there, i never tried that, it was in my college years long ago.

If you can do it with a trusted friend, do that. Do NOT do it with a lot of people around, or with people you don't trust, it will be too distracting. Make sure you are relaxed and not stressed. Because I once had a bad trip on LSA, were i was certain my heart stopped beating, because i couldn't feel it anymore, so i panicked, thinking i was dying and was not feeling so well all night. In the morning i felt like a million bucks tho, but probably because i survived my imagined death :P 

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Hey, guys, I have a question about psychedelics, in general, are these things legal in US ?



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Generally yes. Although you could, for example, join the Santo Daime church and drink DMT legally through them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@username How this could be and people still shot explicit videos about LSD on youtube?

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On 2017-5-27 at 11:49 AM, Nahm said:

Great Article, thanks.



Hehe. Cool story. For me personally, some of these difficuties kicked in hard lately, which is why some of your advice can be helpful. Really good stuff, folks.

Right now I'm working on a book & I'll be trying the shrooms in a week or less. I'll be sure to share my thoughts after the experience.

Thank you

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