
9 Out Of 10 Values - Looking For #10

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After finishing the "Values Assessment" in the LP course I felt that the values and definitions I generated were completely inauthentic to me. This is probably because I forced myself to do the exercises and did them just for the sake of going through them. Long story short, I did them again and now I can confidently say that the 9 values I generated are really meaningful and authentic. But now I struggle to find just one more (the 10th one). I can put a value in the slot, but I feel like if I do so, then I'd again be doing this just for the sake of doing it and ultimately it wouldn't be authentic - it'd be just an empty word filling out a slot on the list?

My question is directed to all who have done the course (and @Leo Gura) - I don't know wheter to keep pushing for the "perfect" answer OR settle for a random value as my #10 OR just leave it at 9 and continue with the course. What do you think?

P.S. Leo, sorry if these notifications are flooding your inbox. I always feel like I'm bothering a very busy man whenever I ask you for sth. Either way, your opinion is highly valued on this forum.

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I do not quite remember this quote from Don Juan, but I will paraphrase it.

"A warrior knows that all paths lead to nowhere, but the path that has a heart to it does not make the warrior work at liking it"

Do not take anything too seriously, I think Leo had an insight on this.

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  1. Cross the values that you definitely don't consider THAT important
  2. From those values cross the ones that you think you could definitely live without.
  3. Order the remaining values
  4. Choose the one on top


Edited by Afonso

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@PetarKa I agree with Afonso response. However, do not force a value just for the sake of filling 10 spaces.

It is important to trust yourself that these values will come to you and when one comes across your way, For example friendship, you can think to yourself how important on a scale of 1 - 10 is friendship to me. This could be your most important value over your other values which could be, independence, family, etc. 

You also need to think how the values relate to you as a person and where and how much of it fits into your life. Is it a big thing or something that you come across every now and then? 

You decide what is important to you and what resonates with you. 

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