General 2

Shallow Life Purpose?

11 posts in this topic

please help me evaluate whether it's a life purpose...

whenever a topic of a life purpose rises, i can think of anything but...moving abroad! no changing humanity, not becoming a sage, not mastering something, not this, not that...simply changing location and living a decent and calm life there.  since the very childhood, i'm literally haunted by this idea of moving the hell out.

the question, is this my purpose or just a stepping stone to something i haven't realised yet?

spiritual seekers and experienced self-developers, please share your opinions

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But why do you want to change country you live in? What new opportunities will it give you? Is that because you love learning languages or studying foreign cultures or maybe something completly different?

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It is just a stepping stone. Finding your purpose in life is not easy and doesn't always just come naturally. It takes a little bit of thinking outside the box. Example:

I wish I would have become a doctor.


Because my purpose in life is to make people better.

The funny thing is, you don't need to be a doctor to make people better. There are many other ways to achieve this.

The hard part is identifying your life purpose. Think about something you are passionate about, and disect it. Why are you passionate about it? This should steer you in the direction of your life purpose.

Moving abroad may be the first step to putting you in line with your life purpose. It is sometimes necessary to make these drastic changes, especially if your heart tells you so. Don't get discouraged if you can't find your life purpose right away. It may find you. Keep your eyes open. Until then, I hope you can find your decent and calm life, wherever It may be.

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now is everything, I feel it is a deep desire of yours to move away, it is indeed your life purpose, now is all you have, what you desire now is absolutely sacred.
only when we take ourselves and our desires seriously can we access the deeper life forces to realize them.  
every moment of life is full of purpose.  
once you will move you will have new purposes, but there's only now.  
all this fear that you feel at the idea of moving out, imagine now that you do move out..what will happen to this massive fear?what kind of person will you be without that fear?
let the idea of you without that fear, the idea of you growing beyond it and having realized what you want enchant you, don't you want to see the kind of person you will be if you do move out? so that you can strive

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@Girzo  i wish i knew... this idea have sat with me for almost all my life. i feel deeply connected with something bigger when i think of going somewhere, visiting airports or train stations bring a wonderful sensation. this is why i'm confusing it with a life purpose, because this feeling is so strong

@MattP  thank you! this indeed might be a call of something more powerful, for me to decide what to do with life

@Arkandeus i only feel the fear of the idea of not moving out :) this is the major reason why i have started personal development at first place. up to this day (or maybe a couple of years behind) i was sure that if i want it badly, it will happen on its own...which didn't prove itself at all, haha, now i'm more realistic and self-reliant about making it true. kind of sad, so much time have been wasted

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maybe I don't understand life purpose very well but, if it inspires you is that not enough? I really want to move also, at least away from my home town. there are many ways I can validate or invalidate this drive but it remains. that is passion, right?

it is true that we can negotiate with ourselves to create passion where we have none, or to diminish passion where we have too much. but why? I suppose if we want not to feel compelled to travel, then there is much merit in working to overcome that. but ultimately we are the witness and the actor of our life. whichever choice we make is valid, so it's a matter of choosing for our own sake as we see it. 

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@alyra i wanted to degrade this feeling to the point of making travelling my life purpose, and again, it didn't work - moving away would remain the only choice. even though for the time being, i have enough opportunities to allocate my resources for travel.

and whenever i'm back from somewhere, it feels more like home than the actual home...

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50 minutes ago, General 2 said:

@alyra i wanted to degrade this feeling to the point of making travelling my life purpose, and again, it didn't work - moving away would remain the only choice. even though for the time being, i have enough opportunities to allocate my resources for travel.

and whenever i'm back from somewhere, it feels more like home than the actual home...

one who travels a lot will eventually find a certain location that is their calling. then they will research how to move there. then they will orchestrate it to be. first there is the unfocused stage of exploration. there there is the stage of pursuit, which requires focus and determination. If you want to move somewhere, both work on your creativity in regards to discovering where you want to go and why that place is great, as well as work on your focus in regards to researching and then acting upon the details of how to get there. 

it is a lot of work but remember - to do a lot of work, you need to do all the small steps. so focus on the small steps to keep it easier. focus on what you can handle, and to grow that, regularly challenge that limit. 

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2 hours ago, Afonso said:

Check if that's a reaction to something that happened to you early in your childhood. Just a possibility.

 i did live in a small town pretty close to another country (40 km) and had to leave at the age of 7

there might be a connection now that you mention this...but it was still my home country...why crave for a foreign land ever since? 

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You life diminishes day by day. Recognize this. 

What do you really want? What do you want to contribute? 

It is only a matter of time you will have to face the infinite Unknown of Death.

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