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Sage Advice From Daniel Ingram

2 posts in this topic

This comes from page 145 of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha: An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book:


It should be noted that those who are passionate about practice and actually practice correctly are much more likely to make progress than those who are not. Those who are able to channel all of their rage, frustration, lust, greed, despair, confusion and anguish into trying to find a better way are likely the only ones that have what it takes to finally attain freedom. Those who are able to sit with the specific sensations that makes up rage, lust, anger, confusion, and all the rest with clarity, precision, and acceptance of their humanity, and equanimity  are even more likely to get enlightened.


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Thank you. Exactly what I needed to hear at the moment. 

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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