
Joy In The Work When You Are Towards Your Dream!!!

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I am little confused about" the joy in the work even when you got failed", i mean when you have a broad vision about your life and you are working towards it, but there are times when you get fail so how to deal with this kind of situation i mean how to make yourself again to find the joy in that work? 

My case is like it will take two or three years to achieve my dream, i make little goals every day and try to complete them on time but sometimes i get fail and demotivate 

My question is "is it natural to feel like this?" and if yes how can i keep myself to love my work and motivated in these situations? 

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Its happening because you believe mistakes are bad&you shouldnt do them,also because you maybe have perfectionism,and because you base your worthiness on results. (Watch Robert Najemy on youtube,he says it right). If you didnt care about failure,you wouldnt have lack of motivation. You would enjoy everything without expecting good results.

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