
Muscle Fatigue, Uncomfortable Feelings In The Body, Cravings

45 posts in this topic

59 minutes ago, ElenaO said:

Thanks, will definitely look into Magnesium supplements. 
No, no coffee. I am aware of the caffeine crash, that's why trying to avoid caffeine in general.
I don't usually eat processed carbohydrates. It's rare.
I've heard of enema and have considered it. But haven't committed yet.
I am afraid that if I juice I will experience crazy hunger. 

If you experience crazy hunger then you can always eat.....Maybe you won't experience crazy hunger. 

When you blend in protein powder that keeps your husband get down for a long time is my experience. 

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A couple of years ago, I had very similar symptoms and the doctor told me that I was deficient in potassium and vitamin d. Although, it could be a multitude of things, try getting some vitamins from your local GNC store and see if that helps. Drinking plenty of water as well because I use feel extremely sluggish and weak very often, and it turned out that I was dehydrated from not get enough fluids daily. The body needs a plethora of things in order to work properly. Just like a car for example, if your car got extremely low on oil, it won't run the way it is suppose to. So in a nutshell, I would make sure to get enough rest, nutrients, exercise, and water. If that doesn't help, I would go to a family doctor. They like to check thyroid functionality; If the thyroid isn't functioning properly, then that can also be producing some of your symptoms. Good luck!  


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19 minutes ago, sheenp24 said:

A couple of years ago, I had very similar symptoms and the doctor told me that I was deficient in potassium and vitamin d. Although, it could be a multitude of things, try getting some vitamins from your local GNC store and see if that helps. Drinking plenty of water as well because I use feel extremely sluggish and weak very often, and it turned out that I was dehydrated from not get enough fluids daily. The body needs a plethora of things in order to work properly. Just like a car for example, if your car got extremely low on oil, it won't run the way it is suppose to. So in a nutshell, I would make sure to get enough rest, nutrients, exercise, and water. If that doesn't help, I would go to a family doctor. They like to check thyroid functionality; If the thyroid isn't functioning properly, then that can also be producing some of your symptoms. Good luck!  

I've been taking the multivitamins during the winter. And I've used to eat lots of bananas and still do, which means I should have quite a lot of potassium. Didn't seem like it had any effect. Other minerals might be missing though (maybe magnesium, no idea). I also drink quite a lot. 4-5 liters a day of just water.
I do have thyroid issues (hypo function) and I know about them. I do take medication and the blood tests are fine more or less for those.
 I will have to do the blood work to figure out what exactly is missing, because this makes my life more difficult than it should.

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1 hour ago, SFRL said:

If you experience crazy hunger then you can always eat.....Maybe you won't experience crazy hunger. 

When you blend in protein powder that keeps your husband get down for a long time is my experience. 

Hm, never tried protein powder. Could try it out. Or could put some other ingredients that could help keep the hunger and the uncomfortable feelings in my body at bay.

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19 minutes ago, ElenaO said:

Hm, never tried protein powder. Could try it out. Or could put some other ingredients that could help keep the hunger and the uncomfortable feelings in my body at bay.

Yeah protein powder is good. It helps you recover from your workouts as well. 

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13 hours ago, ElenaO said:

Yes, I do a quick yoga before work and I also meditate for 15 minutes every single morning.

Weight training is a method to build muscles and good looking body but it is not a method of achieving absolute health. Weight training is not good for everyone, especially for intellectuals and people doing lot of mental work which requires thinking. Weight training has withdrawal effects, so weight training should be done very carefully. 

There is a stupid idea popular in the whole world that belly should be pulled in and chest should look larger, it hinders natural breathing. Breath is literally the bridge connecting all of these aspects of our being and our existence. When you are relaxed ,as the breath goes in, your belly starts rising up, and as the breath goes out, your belly starts settling down again. Try to see children, very small children, taking their breaths. They take them in a different way. Look at a child sleeping. His belly comes up and down, not the chest. That is the right way to breathe; remember not to use your chest too much. Sometimes it can be used – in emergency periods. You are running to save your life; then the chest can be used. 

Yoga can transform you if you know knack of doing yoga. Yoga can give you absolute health, but it can't give you quick results. Do yoga in the morning , after all other exercises, and in a very relaxed way. After doing yoga,  relax for at least 15 minutes. If you have patience, yoga alone is curative. Live in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, walk in a relaxed way, talk in a relaxed way.


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15 hours ago, ElenaO said:

I am afraid that if I juice I will experience crazy hunger.

I don't mean going all juices. But in terms of fasting. A fasting is like an internal cleansing. You get rid of accumulated toxins , clean out your intestinal system and sort of "re-start" your mind and body. If you combine fasting with doing enema 1-3 times a day you will be a new person. Yes, speaking from own experience :)

Juices are to keep the flow of vitamins and minerals however not to over-strain the digestion.
To make sure you are really well supplied, look into Algae ( Spirulina, Chlorella) . Algae were first plants on this planet and they contain ridiculous amounts of Nutrients. Chlorella and Spirulina are like 65% of pure amino acids. Unlike animal protein they don't have to be broken down in order to be utilised but can go straightly to where they are needed. Not to mention they have a full spectrum of all vitamins and minerals a human body needs Incredible stuff!! I have ordered Chlorella from LiveGive. This is  a wholefood supplement sponsored by Hipocrates Health Institute. Unlike the synthetic shit supplements out there, this is a pure high quality supplement. It helps to prevent hunger by keeping you well nourished, helps prevent premature ageing, and cleansing. People who consume algae daily have much higher content of heavy metal molecules in their pee which means body is getting rod of toxicity much much faster. I wish i have known this 15 years ago. 

Another incredible plant is Wheatgrass.
Based on a research and teaching of Hipocrates Health institute, 2 ounces of wheatgrass is equal to 5 pounds of green leafy veggies. However the wheatgrass needs to be freshly grown which can be a bit of a challenge. Powder works fine as well but not even close to efficiency of the fresh plant. Make sure to start easy with it takes time for your body to get used to it and it tastes like eating a grass, so mix it with your smoothies. 

And final advice for detox, do Infrared Sauna. The amount of toxins released in a 30 minute session is nearly 90% higher than regular dry sauna ( again Hipocrates Health institute teaching) 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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8 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Weight training is a method to build muscles and good looking body but it is not a method of achieving absolute health. Weight training is not good for everyone, especially for intellectuals and people doing lot of mental work which requires thinking. Weight training has withdrawal effects, so weight training should be done very carefully. 

@PrabhakerI would dare to disagree with the first part of what you said. Lifting weight is incredibly important  for several reasons:

* Prevents Bone Loss - Osteoporosis, that occurs naturally and especially fast for lifelong meat and dairy consumers can be stopped and even reversed.  Unfortunately no amount of cardio or yoga comes even close to what weightlifting achieves here. Actually the skinnier the person is the more important it is to lift weights because their knee joints are not exposed to any weight.

 * Another reason is to prevent testosterone loss in men and estrogen in women.

*It helps to prevent dementia and Alzheimer by stimulating neuron connections in brain and release of serotonin and dopamine. 

The only withdrawal of weight training is the muscle pain afterwards but that goes away once you get more regular. And of course if lifting is done wrong, it can have catastrophic and long term consequences, on that I will agree. Many intellectuals despise people doing weights but that has to do with many muscleheads ignoring their education in the first place, not the muscle mass having a negative effect on your brain function, far the opposite unless you are extreme. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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2 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

 Unfortunately no amount of cardio or yoga comes even close to what weightlifting achieves here.

You are less informed about yoga. Yoga can give you everything , but it is very difficult to follow discipline of Yoga.

8 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

muscle mass having a negative effect on your brain function

You can build muscles and do a lot of mental work at the same time , but you can't achieve absolute health while doing both. 

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@Prabhaker  not disclaiming health benefits of Yoga at all, it is incredible and everybody should do it! However it is not enough to prevent the loss of bone matter. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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Get yourself at least these blood tests:

  • TSH, T3 and T4
  • Plasma sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron
  • Not necessary, but helpful: PRL

If You want to try, You could buy citrulline malate and take 8g a day (used by most studies & being effective dose & without having adverse effects).
You should see the difference during the first week and if You don't - dump it.
In studies (It was tested to verify if it reduces symptoms of asthenia) has been shown to reduce the rate of perceived exertion and muscle fatiguability. If You want me to explain why scientifically speaking it does make sense, then F*** You.

I'm just kidding, I will of course if You have to know, I'm just lazy and usually, the details of how things work are plain boring or/and hard to grasp, but it involves citric acid cycle and phosphocreatine synthesis. Citrulline basically helps prevent fatigue and malic acid helps produce more ATP.

Besides physiological stuff, the one and only question is whether Your lifestyle (especially levels of stress) has changed.
Could it be just a more intense period of life? Work, relationships, the amount of sleep, physical exercise, etc.

Very small amounts of stress won't provoke a very robust adaptive response, but more stress increases adaptation.
However, too much stress - to the point that You can't cope with it physically or psychologically (our body barely tells the difference between the types of stress) - also decreases the rate of adaptation.
This means that all the stressors in your life pool together and dip into the same reservoir of "adaptive reserves" that are available for recovering from those stressors (allowing You to adapt so You'll be better equipped to handle more).


I've seen mentions about bone mass loss. 

If that's the issue, then definitely consult a doctor about parathyroid glands (NOT THYROID) as they produce PTH to regulate calcium levels in blood plasma among others by breaking down the bone (where most of the body's calcium is stored) and causing calcium release.

Resistance exercise (with weights) is the main activity that science supports in preventing bone mass loss and increasing bone density.

Edited by Thomas

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10 hours ago, Nahm said:

@ElenaO I had the same problem. I added an after workout protein mix shake with bcca's, etc, and it solved it instantly. Try it. :)


What's a bcca? Sorry for my ignorance.

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basically, your body doesn't synthesize protein as fast as your're spending it, so fatigue hits you after workouts. BCCA's aid the process.  

Like I mentioned, I had the same symptoms. I went to GNC and then read on line. I tried the BCCA's protein powder and it's worked completely. 




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Raping the body can swell the muscles and make the body worth looking at, worth exhibiting, but there is a great difference between exhibition and life. There is a great difference between living, being healthy and being an exhibitionist.

Some labor is very essential for the agility of the body, complete alertness of the mind, but avoid excess. Each person should find out according to himself, according to his body, how much labor he should do to live more healthily and more freshly. 

If you observe a child sleeping in his cot, one thing which should be noted by you, but which does not strike us normally, is that it is the child s abdomen that goes up and down as he breathes and not his chest which is absolutely relaxed. In our case, we breathe through the chest. 

There is a Japanese word for the initial source of breath. That word is "tanden". Right breathing is connected with tanden, which is located two inches below the navel. The further a man is away from existence, the further his breath moves away from tanden. The higher your centre of breathing is, the more tense you are; the lower the point of your breath, the more you are relaxed. If your breathing is from tanden, there will be no tensions in your life.

This is the very reason why children are free from tension. Observe your breath in a moment of relaxation. You will find it coming from tanden. When you are filled with tension and anxiety, observe your breath. It will become short, and it will come from the chest. Short breath is an indication that you are far removed from your original nature.

There is a reason why we breathe from the chest. A very wrong concept has pervaded in the world. According to this, the chest should be well developed and large, and the abdomen should be flat, almost against the back. This mad tendency has created a terrible disturbance within the human body. In order to inflate the chest, the breath has to fill the chest and not be allowed to go down further.

Observe yourself sometimes as you sit quietly by yourself on a chair. Let yourself loose, - there should be no tension - and you will feel the breath rising from your navel. But we do not let ourselves relax even when we rest. Is the idea of having an expanded chest so ingrained in us.

Perhaps men could be persuaded to do abdominal breathing because all men do not have the craze to be athletes or he-men: but is very difficult to make women agree to breathe through their abdomens. Women are obsessed with yet another craze; that of developing big, firm and shapely breasts. So, first and foremost, see that your breath arises from the navel. When you sit or stand or walk, in all your activities, keep an eye on the breath and see that it starts from the navel. 

If you listen to your body, cooperate with your body, you can heal yourself ever at older age. 

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On 25/05/2017 at 6:07 PM, Thomas said:

Get yourself at least these blood tests:

  • TSH, T3 and T4
  • Plasma sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron
  • Not necessary, but helpful: PRL

If You want to try, You could buy citrulline malate and take 8g a day (used by most studies & being effective dose & without having adverse effects).
You should see the difference during the first week and if You don't - dump it.
In studies (It was tested to verify if it reduces symptoms of asthenia) has been shown to reduce the rate of perceived exertion and muscle fatiguability. If You want me to explain why scientifically speaking it does make sense, then F*** You.

I'm just kidding, I will of course if You have to know, I'm just lazy and usually, the details of how things work are plain boring or/and hard to grasp, but it involves citric acid cycle and phosphocreatine synthesis. Citrulline basically helps prevent fatigue and malic acid helps produce more ATP.

Besides physiological stuff, the one and only question is whether Your lifestyle (especially levels of stress) has changed.
Could it be just a more intense period of life? Work, relationships, the amount of sleep, physical exercise, etc.

Very small amounts of stress won't provoke a very robust adaptive response, but more stress increases adaptation.
However, too much stress - to the point that You can't cope with it physically or psychologically (our body barely tells the difference between the types of stress) - also decreases the rate of adaptation.
This means that all the stressors in your life pool together and dip into the same reservoir of "adaptive reserves" that are available for recovering from those stressors (allowing You to adapt so You'll be better equipped to handle more).


I've seen mentions about bone mass loss. 

If that's the issue, then definitely consult a doctor about parathyroid glands (NOT THYROID) as they produce PTH to regulate calcium levels in blood plasma among others by breaking down the bone (where most of the body's calcium is stored) and causing calcium release.

Resistance exercise (with weights) is the main activity that science supports in preventing bone mass loss and increasing bone density.

Hey Thomas, thanks a lot for your reply. I've scheduled tests for the sugar and magnesium for this week. Just asked if I could get one for Na, Ca, Fe, K. I've been tested for TSH, T4 and T3, I believe, since I have hypothyroidism. Last time they said it looks OK, since I am taking medication every day (thyroxin). 
I will try the citrulline malate. Will research it a bit beforehand. 

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Hey use this to track your daily nutrients :)


You won't need to max them out every day, just most should be 80%+. You could also adjust them based on your needs or recommendations.

Its very helpful and once you get the idea and learn off by heart then eventually you can stop using it altogether.

Just listen to your body and this chart if i didn't post it already should help as well


Edited by pluto


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Just got results for the blood tests. They've checked even more than what I've asked for. K, Ca, Mg, Na, Krea, TSH, T4 are all in order. Cholesterol levels really good. The blood sugar was a bit lower than the norm, but that probably can be explained by me skipping the breakfast on that day since I wasn't allowed to eat. 
However, the iron levels are low. 9 microg/l, and apparently the norm starts from 13. 
I'm glad that the results are quite good, but can the tiredness be explained by the low levels of iron?

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@ElenaO yes indeed it can. 

One of Iron's main functions in body is to work with red blood cells transferring oxygen all around your body. A lack means insufficient cellular oxidation, over long term that could have some nasty consequences. However I would discourage you from buying Iron supplement. Instead focus on eating more dark green leafy vegetables ( spinach, kale, broccoli, watercress...). 

Too much iron can be toxic but you are very unlikely to go overboard if your main source are plants :) 

But again, most of us here are not nutrition specialists so just to be really sure, maybe talk to a nutrition expert or look someone up on youtube. 


Good luck!

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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